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Posts posted by jizue

  1. 4 hours ago, Cornuto said:

    Think this was asked before but I can't seem to find the answer, but does anyone know if NikeLab insulators work with ACRNM jackets? 

    Specifically thinking about using my ACG tech blazer layer w J56.

    I have the ACG bomber from the last season (https://www.walmart.com/ip/Nike-Lab-ACG-Bomber-Men-s-Jacket-Medium-Black/246466290) and a J1A-GT (which should have the same system as the J56). While the zip at the neck is fully compatible, the tabs at the sleeves are not, although you can get it to work by using the gravity pocket tabs.

    The ACG insulator from the year before is fully compatible. 

  2. I went to the NYC Veilance store recently while wearing an Outlier Ultrafine merino t-shirt. I have to say if price was no object, I would take the Veilance piece every single time. At almost twice the cost of something that already seems a little ridiculously priced, it's pretty hard to justify though.

  3. what is even the point of attaching an insulator to a jacket with some sort of zipper or loops? serious question. if anything it just means you can't take off your hardshell and keep your insulator on without removing everything. ppl want that?

    It's for the convenience. In certain areas you basically have two temperatures in winter: inside and outside. It's convenient to have the insulator + shell together in winter because you're probably taking them both off at the same time. Being able to remove the insulator also means you have a rain shell for when it's not so cold.

  4. J58-WS is compatible with ACG alpine jacket

    Sorry if this is already answered, but does this mean that the current season ACG Metamorphosis insulator is compatible with the Acronym shells (like the J1A-GT?)

  5. never owned a sfb boot but these look kind of nice. considering picking them up while my promo code still works. does anyone know how to size on them?



    These look like they have a different sole to other SFB boots, which seem to have a reputation of being slippery. Does anyone have any experience with these? The description of the sole says "aggressive traction"


    (btw, thanks for the Mykita suggestions - probably going to pick up a pair very soon)

  6. Does anyone have any suggestions for sunglasses? In particular, since I wear prescription glasses I'm looking for more convenient than "have a completely separate prescription pair" or "contact lenses". The best solution I've found seem to be a clip on like Oliver Peoples, but they don't been to be in stock anywhere and I'm wondering if there are any other solutions.

  7. Thoughts from a first time Acronym buyer. I recently got the P10-DS, J25-WS and S7-C, all in size S.


    P10-DS: I'd like to echo what everyone else has said about these pants. I love the fit, the material, and most of the pockets. I see myself eventually becoming one of those girls that wears yoga pants and running shoes everywhere, except with $600 technical pants and I'm a dude.


    I haven't found great use for the carabiner garage - I feel like the obvious things would be stuff like keys or a packed J25-WS-shaped object, but most of the time I'd rather not have that kind of stuff just hanging out back there and I have a better place to put them, say a different pocket or a backpack.


    The phone pocket will fit my entire iPhone 6, but there's not a lot of room above and I'm worried that I'll knock the phone out of the pocket and send it crashing to the ground if I move at all.


    I'm using the DSPTCH fidlock belt with this, which seems to be a pretty good combination.


    Regarding fit, I tried on a pair of the ACG woven pants in S recently and these are definitely feel slimmer all-round, although I'm not sure these correspond.


    J25-WS: I've been wearing this out in the currently temperamental NYC weather, which has worked pretty well. It's probably a little too chilly for most people to wear just this and a shirt underneath, but since it blocks a lot of the wind I find it perfectly acceptable. Comparing this to a Patagonia Torrentshell, even though it's lighter and has some extra niceties, I would say it's definitely not worth the extra cost beyond the look.


    Incidentally, the jacketsling has the (probably unintended) ability to act as a makeshift dart for the jacket.


    S7-C: I got this in an S because I didn't read the note on the ACRNM website saying to size up. While it probably would look good a little oversized, it definitely fits like an S, and the 1/2 chest on the website is accurate. I am not sure if I would size up for this, because I want this a little slimmer for layering. I compare to my Reigning Champ sweatshirt, which fits similarly, but feels tighter because the material is significantly thicker. It fits under the J25-WS pretty well, although obviously the two hoods is a little awkward. Big fan of the hood shape and the shoulder articulation.


    I got this in black, but the colour looks a lot more faded than pictures I've seen suggest. Definitely looks cool by itself, but given the choice I would probably prefer it a bit darker.


    Overall, I'm pretty happy with my purchases, but not so much my bank account.

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