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Posts posted by goalaso

  1. So the thigh is my issue as far as "tightness", and at least according to the self edge page measurements and my actual waist size, I'd have to go for a 30 in both (taking into consideration the slightly different stretch mentioned), which means the 2014 would clock in at 11.3 inches compared to 2009's 10.9 inches. The 2014 also has a slightly larger rise. I think both these differences are apparent in the photos too.  But yes, it does taper more. I have skinny ankles, bigger thighs. So for me, the 2009 is going to fit slimmer in a size 30. At least that's my interpretation. Reasonable?

  2. I looked at all the other SCs, and the 2009s (at least on self edge) looked to be a bt tighter in the thigh and knee and more tapered, albeit just a bit more. Similar to the 12oz 3sixteen SL-101x in fit, which I was also considering. But If I'm going up in weight in SCs, I think my 2nd choice would be the 2014 12oz, since it seems not as loose as the Okinawa but not as tight as the 2009s.

    But really the few fit pics and measurements of the 11oz summertime jeans seem to me my sweet spot and the right weight and something easy to start with for a newbie to raw denim. I wouldn't want to go much slimmer or heavier than this, which is why I nixed the 2009 and the 3sixteen option. Second best, at least on paper, seems to be the SC 2014 12 oz. But this is the forum to correct me if any of these impressions about tightness of fit are wrong (i.e. after breaking in, etc).

  3. I know it's not the most heavyweight fadetastic denim, but I've been on the hunt for some 11oz SC summertimes (size 30, might be able to swing a 29). It's hot in Florida. And I'm a newbie to raw denim. I've been following this thread for a while, and as much as I love the Okinawa and Hawaii fit pics and fades, does anyone have any similar photos for these summertime jeans? And/or measurements after breaking them in (they're one washed unsanforized denim, per http://www.selfedge.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=1208 )?


    any help and advice much appreciated. And of course, if anyone knows where to buy a pair, EVEN BETTER. So far super future, style forum, reddit, grailed, and ebay have failed me.

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