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Posts posted by mr.d

  1. Sorry for the barrage of replies. I've just been going through and trying to click the "quote" button when possible. This forum posting is new to me. I'll try to sort my replies and put them into one text next time. 


    Doesn't look like much of a new years for me. I'm hoping to catch the last sunrise of 2015 in southern California and then the first sunrise of the 2016. I'm planning on getting a lift in and maybe making some sort of resolution/ goal list for the coming year. Some things off the top of my head is to get a teaching job, finish my Masters project, and go backpacking a lot this summer. Other than that I hope to just let the night go its way and see what happens. What are some of your guys' plans?


    Have a safe and wonderful new year!


    I wanted to update in the near future after the new years. Could anyone send me a link/directions or help me out with posting images within the post like some of you guys are able to do?


    Thanks ya'll.

  2. @knucks that's a bitching leather jacket. I've always been wanting a leather jacket for a while now, but it's currently way out of my budget as a student for the past 18 months. I hope I can afford one if I get a job during this summer!

  3. @pizzacrust That's a sweet type II! I've been eyeing one for a while. I'm thinking about picking up a TFH 6000W for cheap, but used. If not, I"m looking at the oni type II through denimio. 

  4. @itschrisb how's the chemex treating you? What kind of grinder do you have and what have you tried? Also what is your experience with pourover coffee/ coffee in general?


    I've been getting more and more into the coffee scene the last 6 months or so and I love it! I couldn't join the /r/ rawdenim coffee exchange because I was too busy though. I would love to give suggestions, tips, or just shoot the shit about coffee!


    Also you got a blowout already on the Black Maria's? or was that talking about a different pair?

  5. @mr.d

    what do you teach?


    I got a chance to finish my student teaching with elementary students. I got a really great class again, but this time 2nd graders. They can really amaze you with the things they can do.

  6. Hi ya'll, sorry for the late update post. I got a chance to introduce myself( #3/25), but didn't have fit pics because they were with railcar for a tapering service. I got them back a little over a month ago, but it's been too busy to update. I have been wearing them a lot since I go them back. Here are some pictures I took on a hike about a month ago on 11/7. Besides hiking, I've been biking, working (teaching), and just walking around in them. I'll try to update with pictures after New Years. Cheers!



  7. Hi ya'll,


    I’m excited to have the opportunity to participate in this contest.

    My reddit username /u/avoidexposure.

    So some things about me:

    I am currently a pre-service teacher pursuing my master degree in education from Southern California with hopes of getting my own elementary classroom in the near future. Career goals from there are to be an administrator, professor, pursue my doctorate, or teach other math or somewhere else.


    My interests consist of weightlifting, coffee, music, football, and video games.   I have been lifting weights since high school through football, but got serious it in my sophomore year of college and lost over 50 lbs. I was also pursuing powerlifting as much as I could, but have put that on pause because of a couple of injuries and working on my master’s thesis. I recently got into coffee: buying a lido 3,v60, aeropress, and gooseneck to mess with. I enjoy all types of music, but my first love is rap/hip-hop. My personal favorite rapper of all time is Lupe Fiasco. I also really love football: played offensive line/defensive line in high school, coached for several years after, and my favorite team is the Green Bay Packers. Of course growing in this generation, I love video games. I am currently playing league of legends when I get some time.


    As for denim, the LF Black Maria’s will be my third pair and this will be my second contest. My first pair was JBO-410, where I wanted to participate in the contest early on, but I broke my leg so I started a bit later. That pair will be reaching a year in November. Recently I got a pair of Momotaro Natural Tapered, and haven’t really worn them. Finally, I have black denim I’ve been looking for in LF Black Maria and I’m really excited to get started on this contest.


    Just dropped them off recently to Railcar for a hem/taper. I'll post pictures ASAP when I get them back. I just wanted to introduce myself prior to this contest. Good luck and happy fading!

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