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Posts posted by whiskeyriver

  1. Hi all. Just letting you all know that:


    a.) I'm still in.

    b.) I've worn my Black Maria Chelseas about 25 times.

    c.) I have not gotten any noticeable fades yet to post any photos.

    d.) I'm gonna still keep wearin' em' hard, but you dudes must be doin' some denim voodoo on yours to get the awesome fades you've gotten so far.

  2. @whiskyr how's that album, don't know the group but see it's directed by Lee Scratch.


    It's amazin'. Considered one of the greatest reggae albums of all time, and rightfully so. Found it for $1 in mint in a Gainesville, FL hardware store of all places, and it's worth a pretty penny.



    @whiskeyriver @Left Field

    You guys ever try pu-erh tea? It's Chinese black tea, we call English black tea red tea (weird I know).



    I actually lived in Sunnyvale for a few years! Right at the intersection with Homestead Lanes. Then I moved to near Stevens Creek x De Anza. I imagine Tallahassee is pretty different from the bay area.. 



    Yeah! I love pu-erh tea!


    And man, you are like 5-10 blocks from my Aunt haha. Going there this next summer for a visit with the fam. My mom went to DeAnza college in the late 60s hahaha.

  4. oh also big tea drinker, favorite brands, can't deal with loose tea, although is cool to get it that way. Barry's, Typhoo and PG tips any other dark breakfast tea's to recommend let me know. I've given up on having white teeth. 


    I love Harney & Sons Earl Grey and Imperial Earl Grey.

  5. Hey everyone. Larry here, #16. I'm /u/lockthegates on reddit. According to my post history, I'm mostly interested in coffee, jeans, and Arsenal FC. That seems about right.


    I work a 9-5 government job during the week, and then as a barista on weekends (for anyone from the DMV area: Peregrine Espresso. We make real good coffee). 


    I'm passionate about coffee, and specifically about coffee roasting. I live in an art collective/warehouse in Eckington, DC where I have studio floor space that allows me to roast coffee as a hobby. Starting in December, I'll be roasting commercially from the space, so if anyone's interested in testing out some of my first roasts, do say so.


    If anyone in the DMV area is interested in watching some spooky scary movies on Tuesday's during the month of October, consider this a formal invitation to our studio. It's a place called Hole In the Sky (hence the avatar). Projectile Dysfunction (our in-house film screening group) is hosting a month-long series of 80's teen slasher/horror movies, aptly titled "Shocktoberfest." These screenings all lead up to our 14th art show, art show FEARTEEN. It'll be a collection of local DC artists all presenting and selling work tangentially related to the theme of horror films. It'll be an awesome time. Here's the FB invite to the first event (https://www.facebook.com/events/799112360198286/), and I'll probably post a link to future events unless that's against the rules or something. If you're in the area, come out, bring friends, say hello. I'll likely be wearing my black marias, because I only only three pairs of pants for fall-spring. 


    White Washed's post on Reddit actually got me involved with this contest, and I may end up using his tailor in the future. Looking forward to interacting with everyone.


    I'll edit this to post pictures when I get back to DC on Thursday. And if anyone's going to Kurt Vile at 9:30, let's get a beer!


    Damn. Envious. Love Kurt Vile. Been a fan since the early War on Drugs days. Have fun!


    family home in Cupertino, CA.



    Where at? My aunt lives there off of Norman Mineta near Freemont Country Club/JFK Middle School. That general area. I was born in the Bay Area and moms and pops met in Sunnyvale.

  7. I also love coffee haha. And I'd be super down for a local coffee exchange @itschrisb! That's a rad idea. There are two really great local roasters here in Tallahassee, of all places (believe it or not).

  8. Hey everyone. I'm Ryan. I am an environmental lawyer in Tallahassee. Love getting out in the wilds, collecting vinyl, cooking, playing guitar and singing. I love a wide range of music, and in addition to the vinyl I have a pretty large digital collection also. Been into denim for some time, and have stuff from Japan, the US and Indonesia. Usually wear heavier weight denim, even in the hot humid summers of Florida. Also, that reminds me: with this starting in winter, my tactical advantage of humidity has been eliminated. Haha. I've never faded a pair of black denim before, so I am stoked to see how that turns out. This is fun. Thanks for the opportunity, Left Field.


    EDIT: Oh! And I tried these on once before yesterday. Yesterday was the first full wear.



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