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Posts posted by denimwhore

  1. wow, been a lurker for almost a year and I never thought I would comment on a post.... I just got back from a few drinks, so maybe that's why I finally decided to come out of the bushes. As a person living in LA close to B&M shops that carry the denim I like, I don't typically go online to search for stuff unless I can't find it around me. After all, I'm older compared to the internet era crowd and like trying shit on. 


    That said this whole thread is a bunch of crap IMO (or maybe being commented on mainly by older people like me who don't fucking get it). Being a repeat SE customer all the trash talk is such a turn off. Yes, Kiya's obviously not here for self promotion.... what he's here for is to stir shit up, perhaps in a bid to gather more support for his campaign against the inevitable doom of the brick and mortar retail model. Not too hard to do in a thread that obviously already has a bunch of B&M supporters (i'm guessing the majority of ya'll work for some of these shops, so I don't blame you, your bosses, partners and everyone around you are experiencing what's happening to physical retail everywhere, which ain't pretty). Anyone with a fucking pair of eyes and half a fucking brain will realize that what is happening with Denimio/OD will happen regardless of Denimio/OD - i.e., if it's not them, it will be others. It just makes fucking sense to buy from the damn source now that people can, and younger people are way more willing to take the risks that come with that. So B&M shops can try to take shops down one by one by trash talking them into oblivion, but what makes sense to do here is resort to the good ol' capitalism that we are used to seeing here in 'Murica - innovate and compete, dudes. If you can't beat them, join them - OK, that last idiom is not quite on point... but my point is: you won't beat them, because it's not them. It's where the whole world is going and is driven by demand, by the same dudes that if it were 2007 might have bought from you. Well, it's 20 fucking 16. So get your shit together and start doing good business to compete with the companies of the future around the world instead of wasting time complaining on stupid forums like 15 year olds.


    I love the whole line of "we have to support each other and the B&M shops that made these brands great." Whoever buys that marketing shit is an irrational idiot.


    I completely agree with you, Kiya


    "Sometimes i think we could have more fans of the store if you got me off the internet. "


    Your internet activity makes you and your store look like weak players dude. Like, I've always thought you're a bit "rough around the edges" but I guess I don't give a shit generally. 


    Anyway, you fuckers need to stop being so butthurt about the inevitable. 


    I'm done with my rant. Payce

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