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Posts posted by Ric2013

  1. This is the response from LEVI's Customer Service:

    Dear Dom,


    Thank you for contacting Levi.com.


    Regrettably, we do not have any records of any recent standard changes for the Shrink-to-Fit styles.  I apologize for that.


    Thank you for your understanding.



    A cynical person might be inclined to suggest that any company that writes such emails actually means 'we can't be bothered to give you this information because we don't think we'll lose sales out of not giving it to you' and not that records of such information are genuinely not retained.

  2. SLOW fades due to my city being unwalkable.


    No joke eh?  I really would give you five for perseverance.  Reckon my jeans will be little but rags with 15 months' everyday wear.


    But your jeans are still developing the characteristic fades in the right places.  Thank you very much for sharing, and please keep posting - I will be very interested to see how your pair continues to develop.

    After how long did you make each wash, out of interest?

  3. Thank you HGS.  In fairness, the amount of cycling and general lifestyle I live often blows the crotch (re-inforcements added three weeks ago).  If it's not the crotch, it'll be somewhere else, as you say... and, realistically, they start to look a bit rubbish once they're this muddy anyway.


    Think I'll push it a bit further (until the next good drying day perhaps) and then wash, taking your advice (sort of).


    Cracked combs look amazing IMO, but I like the jeans to be intact, so little point delaying the wash un-necessarily.


    Thank you, you have helped me see the light and make a rational decision (in the context of not washing jeans for several months being rational lol)



  4. Some nice fades above, not too worn out, and still clean, but some serious contrast.  Might even say 'tasteful'. Good to see, thank you for sharing.



    Any opinion on my new STFs?  They are pretty dirty (though only worn 150 days) and I'm tempted to wash them, but I really like the pinholes that are developing behind the knees and don't want to do anything that might hinder their progress.  What do you guys think?


    Floor R 150


    Floor F 150



  5. Capibaro, on 24 Jul 2014 - 9:54 PM, said:snapback.png

    I find these really hard to fade. Haven't worn them for that reason for ages. How the hell do you guys get these to look so cool?



    comparison before- & after wash:



    How many times did you wear them before that first wash?  What did you do in them?  Office work, or digging 6' holes :)  And how did you wash them?


    BTW, your jeans don't look bad at all.  They are showing some signs of wear, but they are still youngsters is all.


    How are your jeans looking now?  Still wearing them?

  6. Thought I'd share my summer project.

    New old stock from ebay, UK made STFs. Wore them 6 weeks, put them on in the bath, wore them till dry, then wore them for another 20 weeks.

    These were not worn every day, but I only counted the days I wore them.

    After 6 months of total wear they were filthy: I'd even worn them for digging and laying a drive, though they seemed to self-clean to some extent. I stuck them in the washer with some Ecover detergent (on an extra-water 60 degree cycle, much reduced spin, together with a clean pair of jeans) and here they are.




    They were risking a blowout, so I had to add a couple of reinforcements. Probably didn't help that they were a bit baggy.





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