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Kale Kohai

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Posts posted by Kale Kohai

  1. Ya I feel like tattoo pain varies from individual to individual. Like my collarbones, foot, ankle, and achilles all hurt way less than expected. That being said, I just got a crow done by Philip Yarnell at the LA pop up that covers my ribs and stomach and I was definitely experiencing mild shock the last hour of it. Really crazy, legs and arms all trembly and when I stood up at the end I felt like I was going to faint. No idea why that one fucked me up so badly. 

  2. I feel like some nights animal is really on top of it, but ive been a few times where they totally drop the ball and dishes I normally get taste completely off. Definitely a place to check out at least once or to bring people that are into "weird" offerings. 

    Also throwing it out there that Son of a gun's fried chicken sandwich fucking rocks, and Night + Market's fried chicken sandwich does too. 

    Night + Market good place to get drunk and eat salty thai food. 

  3. Honestly if you want  a pretty comprehensive review of what's worth eating in LA just look at "Kevineats" blog. There's a map feature and best thing i've ever ate section. 

    Normally when I'm in LA I hit up:
    Black Hogg (and their sandwich spot) 





    My favorite is Wolvesmouth but I'm not sure wether or not to count that since it's a reoccuring pop up. Still one of my favs

  4. I kinda feel this Wtaps x Porter pack a lot.


    Edit: If you find me one for sale I'll shoot a couple bucks your way.


  5. Crazy small world. Those yachts on that stretch are insane. Pretty sure Nic bought that property solely because it had the largest doc. I lived one block in land from there. I know exactly what house you're talking about... damn you friend is well off. 

  6. Debating pushing my France trip back to visit Guy Le Tattooer, but for you NY folks, he'll be at Saved tattoo all of June.

    JL, you book any of them for the Pop up? 

  7. I don't know, like while I'd obviously love to make some money, I'm only qualified to continue being a barista or continuing working construction. Unpaid slave labor at least hypothetically allows me to get make connections and builds desirable resume skills. How is it in other countries? It seems like you basically have to intern now days in the US. 

  8. So I could be totally off but something I've done baking a lot is steeping a light green tea in butter. I'd say your fellow cook has the right idea, just try and figure out what the base of the sauce is and then try steeping green tea in it for various times to decide the strength your looking for, then adjust the base sauce from there. 

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