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Posts posted by Carlyle

  1. On the topic of p24a-s 
    I wondering if I could get some opinions on this.

    Recently picked up a pair of p24a-s sz M 2nd hand. Measured the outseam to be about 101-2cm versus the 105cm from site(and another owner with a sz M pair) . Seller adamantly claims they haven't been altered.
    Just wondering if anyone else had sizing issues or if its just QC issues on acrs end of things with the ss18 p24a-s

    Cheers :) 

    note the wonky stitching line 20190726_081647.jpg

  2. 1 minute ago, chromā said:

    P10A-DS from SS19 is Made in Europe according to the interior garment tag. Hope it helps!

    IMG_2601 2.JPG

    Oh man, seeing this just made my day.
    Thanks a lot! :) 

  3. Was browsing around but couldn't find anything,
    anyone with the p10a-ds in hand(or knows for sure), if they are made in China or Europe for Duty fee purposes to Canada

  4. 19 hours ago, meccaNIZM said:

    For SELL or TRADE... interesting trades preferred, will sell outright if not traded in a week or so.

    J1ts-S duo medium 9/10: worn outside 5 times. No signs of wear, PM for additional pics, includes paper and plastic, or I’ll knock off $5 and recycle them.

    Upstanding community members: $1200

    resellers: $12,000




    If anyone selling a sz L in this lovely price lemme know :) 

    duotone or black


  5. Hi guys so I currently own a j47-gt and a j1b-s but im now looking to buy a j43k or gt just wondering how the j43 fits in comparison to the other 2? Also if anyone would know how much j47gt's, j43k and gt's go for and could help me out with a price that would be amazing.

    Thanks in advance!

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