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Genghis Khan

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Posts posted by Genghis Khan

  1. u are "new" to fashion in comparison to many many many people in the world including alota forum veterans. and while that's not a bad thing, don't front like u ain't a rookie.


    here's the thing boo,

    you're wearing all black and ro.  you might claim and think that you aren't tryin to get yr gothninny on, but that's how it appears on this board.  what's even worse is that while alota gothninny uniforms are pretty boring,  your fit is boring in a way that doesn't even do the aesthetic justice.  it's utterly devoid of anything marginally respectable, other than the fact that you mighta mowed lawns for like 2 summers to kop the geos.  


    you had your geo's since 2012?  wooooo!!! congratulations, have a dookie sandwich. 2 years ain't nothin.  plus the fact that you omit the "yves" from ysl is dead give away that ur a new recruit.  referenced dior?  who cares?

    I referred to it as saint Laurent as I always do because I'm not sure whether to call it slp or Ysl after Hedis name change. I didn't mean to come off as arrogant or as if I was into fashion a long time but my point was I'm not absolutely new to fashion and I didn't just hop on the geo bandwagon this year.

    Yeah my fit was boring and didn't contribute to the geos and I realize that and appreciate everyone telling me that but that doesn't mean I'm some newb who's wardrobe is entirely h&m and just copped geos for the fuck of it. I have some cool and interesting pieces but my first few fits have just been basic because I'm kinda in a rut and don't feel like dressing my self the way I used to

  2. first of all, what does it mean? what does it mean to 'improve' the way you dress. forget that. @insted and everyone else had decent intentions by offering you advice about textures, layers, what to put on etc, but forget that too. dress to cover yourself, dress to convey your personality, dress for satisfaction. don't dress for approval on here. you'll reach approval on here when you approve of yourself. posting here is the worst way to find how well you dress. because if you gain that approval that you're looking for here, you're only gaining the approval of a specific demographic. and then there's other demographics (other forums) that probably think you dress like shit. you can't please everyone, so again, you might as well please yourself.


    this thread is one upmanship, dressed more get loved more (not always but usually, which is not a bad thing but its how it is). don't get pulled into dressing to the nines for the sake of it.

    when I said improve the way I dress I meant in a way I would be pleased with it, but I thought this forum could offer me useful advice. Thanks for your post it's actually really insightful and I appreciate it
  3. Taking better photos would be an easy start. The photo quality, angle, setting, and lighting are all unflattering. I think everyone else covered the other points well enough.

    I had a t2i I sold a while ago and was gonna put the money towards a better camera since I was getting more serious about photography but never got around to buying one, definitely will have a better camera in the near future though.
  4. It's true that the internet does play a huge role for inspiring what people wear/cop especially on a fashion forum like sufu. But when I said dressed by the internet it's more about trend hopping by some individuals. I mean this guys whole wardrobe seems pretty lacking but somehow he goes all out and cops a pair of Geos (???). The whole outfit seemed very cookie cutter too, like I've seen an identical fit a few hundred times on tumblr.

    I can see how you feel that way but I don't think my wardrobe is lacking, I have a couple interesting pieces but a lot of what I buy admittedly is high quality basics so I see where you're coming from. I've only posted a couple fits so far since I just got here and want to improve myself so I'd appreciate if you gave me a chance. Also I genuinely do like geos and if anything I don't think I'm trend hopping I've had them since late 2011/early 2012 and still wear them regularly despite them losing popularity
  5. What is the common DNA between Laurent and Dior menswear and Rick?

    there isn't, I was trying to say I was into that type of menswear and still am to an extent for a long a time because he implied I'm new to fashion. I brought up rick to acknowledge I like some of his pieces but I don't associate myself as a "gothninja" and never tried to be one, I don't even think that's a valid term to be honest, it puts a plethora of different designers and styles under one close minded umbrella
  6. Is it some sorta stupid self imposed requirement for alota these fashun new jacks to kop geobaskets? IMHO the fit just lacks any character/personality. If guy was part of a goth-ninja clan he'd b the whipping boy. At the very bottom. Prob wouldnt get in the clan.

    I've had these geos since early 2012 and I've been into fashion for a while but mostly been interested in saint Laurent and Dior and stuff similar to that. I've liked a lot of rick owens pieces and owned some here and there but is hardly say I'm trying to be "gothninja"
  7. there needs to be more detail. the silhouette seems typical. a basic zip up hoodie with a basic t shirt with a basic pair of jeans with a ubiquitous pair of designer sneakers just doesn't make for an interesting combination. it doesn't sound interesting, does it?

    i would look at engineered garments or white mountaineering to understand how to work with color and layers. if you want to do all black, that's fine, but you need texture differences. both of those brands produce some really interesting textures.

    you actually don't need any of this, if you want to just wear what you wear that's completely fine. but if you're looking for a general approval, you need to bring something new to the table. an individual sense of personality / style is virtually non existent in this picture.

    no hate though, everyone starts somewhere.

    again - if you want to dress like this that is fine. but it sounds like you want to develop.

    thanks man

    I've definitely been noticing I dress pretty boring/basic and this post was really helpful considering I do definitely wanna advance. I've looked at engineered garments and it looked pretty cool but I had no $ at the time, haven't checked out white mountaineering but now that I have a little to spend I'll look into both. Thanks again

  8. Anybody else got - rep from this guy after giving him one? Gave him a neg rep and this guy went to my post history to neg rep my post of 20 days ago. Not that srs

    no lol i was just going through this years waywt and found some posts and negged some and + some i didnt pay attention to the date


    no hard feelings

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