I made a video where I cover 7 pairs of Acronym pants and 4 pairs of Nike ACG pants from the era where Errolson Hugh was collaborating with them.
This has by far been the most detailed video I've ever put together. Acronym wise I cover the pants P30A-DS, P10-E, SP29-M, P39-M, P23A-DS, SP29K-M and P53-WS.
ACG wise I cover the pants ACG Cargo Trousers Blue, ACG Cargo Shorts, ACG Cargo Trousers Black, and ACG Deploy Cargo Trousers
One thing I always miss from newer Acronym pants is how the phone pockets lack extra webbing to wrap over the top of a phone, this is something that was seen on their pants pre 2022 and is for some reason missing today.