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Posts posted by OptimusPrime

  1. Your opinion and arguments are very reflective of how immature and closeminded you are. We've had one of the most engaging conversations in this thread in months and you show up out of the blue and run-a-muck in the discussion, thanks mate.  


    I'm sure someone on sufu will buy these jeans and wear them, we have people wearing apc which is fine and dandy but if a brand is going to market themselves like this why don't we have a right to discuss the marketing techniques they've used 


    It'll be interesting to see how this brand does in the market and who else starts to carry them 


    You are missing the point on the impact of this conversation about Tanuki initiated by Kiya, basically he is criticizing the marketing strategy of this new brand that his competition is launching.

    It's a different story if he is doing that behind closed doors, but for a business owner to do that to his competition on a public forum, there seems to be something wrong in that practice.

  2. If you don't like it then go somewhere else? There really isn't anything wrong with the conversation we've been having.

    No one has said anything about the quality, we've been talking about this shroud of secrecy that the brand has created in a time where more people seem to respect and want transparency. I like knowing where my jeans come from and where my money is going.

    I don't give a toss about "secret denim masters" that I evidently don't deserve to know about...

    Sure, maybe the denim is nice and the construction is good. I don't know, I don't own a pair. Measurements look like trash though.


    Who are you to tell people to go somewhere else?

    So if the opinion is different from yours, it's not welcome in the conversation is it?

    I don't think I have emphasized anything about the quality, why are you talking about the quality?

  3. If you have actually read every post about this topic over the past 3 pages of this thread and this is your response you're officially a crazy person.  Go back, read the posts, digest them.  Nobody was bashing any of the B&M stores, there was no bashing going on at all, it was a pretty good conversation about what we think about transparency in companies/brands.  

    This is a fun thread, reminds me of the old days of Superfuture.  Get in on the conversation, don't assume that there's some fucked up conspiracy to take down another store or brand.  It's called conversation, it's what brought me here to this forum over ten years ago in the first place. 


    No, you are the crazy person here and your internet presence is not helping Self Edge.

    I am just tired of your nonsense sometimes, but I guess this is the general nonsense thread after all.

  4. It's sickening that this board is so full of hypocrites these days, BOW has launched a new brand of made in Japan denim.
    Self Edge missed out on the opportunity of carrying the brand, so people feel entitled to start a post bashing that brand, criticizing the marketing strategy, demanding transparency etc., looks like sour grapes to me.

    People are so comfortable praising relatively unknown and mediocre jeans costing over 40,000 yen.
    Yet this reasonably priced quality new brand is getting no love.
    The owners of BiG and BOW don't go on public forums and bash the other B&M stores and that speaks volumes for their integrity.

    Next time you want to make a purchase at Self Edge, think twice if this is the business you want to support.

  5. Im asking about you man not them. And are you in theyre payroll? Why are you protecting them?


    Not on their payroll and not protecting them, just speaking up as a consumer.

    You want to control the prices so we consumers are just suckers and should hand over the money to you right?

    Just don't be a hypocrite and pretend that you don't try to shop around yourself when it comes to other things in life, such as buying an expensive watch, a new pair of boots, a new iPad or even diapers.

    People jumped on the recent sales on Caliroots and grabbed themselves some nice Warehouse jeans because they want the best value for their money. Several forum members have made very good points about this already, I don't need to comment on this topic anymore.

  6. Some forum members have summed it up very nicely and better than I could, what's happening is that some western retailers are trying to strong arm the brands they carry not to deal with a certain Japanese online stores, because they feel entitled that they should be the gatekeepers of those brands anywhere outside of Japan.


    e.g. As consumers we lost an easy access to the product range offered by The Strike Gold as a denim brand, so people that are interested in their products will have to buy them at the US retail price or go through Rakuten which isn't the easiest to deal with for some.
    So are the consumers and the brand itself the big winners in this case? Or is it the middle man like it's 2007?
    It's simply a hilarious idea that a Japanese company is prohibited from selling Japanese made jeans because of pressures being applied by a certain western retailer.

    I don't see the US retailers publicly diss each other, even though they have exclusive rights to carry a certain brands that  the other can't, for example Samurai Jeans and TFH.
    I don't see the Japanese online retailer coming here to purposefully draw customers away, yet somehow a certain US retail store owner feels entitled to continuously demote the online retailer in public forums like that behavior is justified and professional.

    At the end of the day, if you have the need to physically try on the clothes before you buy, by all means get them through the shops that offered you that service as an added value if you feel it's justified.
    But that's all there is, just don't be a hypocrite and tell people that they should support their local stores while you go shopping online because you want the best value for your money.

  7. It's not rocket science.  If you go into a store and try something on and like it, or you pester that store online or via email with questions about a product, you buy from them.  If you know what you want through online research and comparison, buy from whomever you're comfortable doing business with.  


    Every business faces competition from online vendors, no reason premium denim will be any different.  That's why (at least in the US) those that open store fronts to sell premium denim do so in areas with hundreds of thousands to millions of potential customers within a 30 mile circle of them to draw from.  If you can't run a niche business in a market of that size, it's time to rethink your business model or the product you're selling.   


    I think setterman has hit the nail on the head in his post.


    Both forms of retail have their places in the market and should be able to co-exist peacefully.

    There will always be customers that want to try on before they buy and there will be those that know what they want.

    These online stores plus the Rakuten shops are Japanese companies selling Japanese products.

    They may be late to selling in the international market but does that mean they don't have the right to take part in this business?

    If you take into account that most of them have to overcome the language barrier in order to operate the business, you'd see running an online business has its challenges too and how valuable they are to the consumers.

    Yet all I see is these American retailers trying to stop them from doing so.

    If the situation were reversed, wouldn't they try to get a piece of the action too?

    White's and Wesco boots sell for a ton of money per pair in Japan, why not sell them direct to Japan at the US retail plus free shipping if you can?


    Every time I see these so called B&M stores try something to hinder my purchase options as a consumer, I feel like supporting their competition even more.

    Consumers are savvy in this day and age, but there is nothing new in trying to shop around.

  8. What is shady about Ed ? Don't remember him taking deposits for the contest or asking for pre-orders

    Ed is just ed ... I like him so do other people , you don't have to but that's your choice mate


    This is exactly what I meant, this guy gets away with saying things that no one else can.

    If it was anyone else, the post would have been neg repped to no end.

    Did I say he took our deposits and ran?

    You like him and it's your choice, make sure you buy your denim needs through him while you are at it mate.

  9. Fuck you no one wants you here you lurker go to hell get butt fucked or watever your comment is not welcome go back being a lurker. Have a done a half a million dollrs worth of investment for denim? And try to sell them for a profit to make a living? If no shut the fuck up


    What a class act.

    I keep seeing people on this forum call him a nice guy, contributed a lot etc. and this is what you get.

    People continue to tolerate this sort of behavior from this dude for some reason, maybe he's fun to watch because he's a bit of a clown? Or is he more of a bully?

    Is he allowed to get away with this sort of behavior because he's a forum sponsor?

    Let's not forget this guy can be shady as hell, comes and goes as he pleases, eg. the Flat Head x RJB Signet collab/contest.

  10. Interesting discussion going on here about all the B&M stores targeting Denimio, how about Okayama Denim?
    It's not 2007 anymore, so why can't consumers in this day and age have the option to access Japanese denim at their domestic retail price through online shopping?
    It's a complex issue for all the B&M stores world wide for sure, but there is a sense that they all feel "entitled" to charge customers inflated prices and the local customers should just eat it up because that's the way it should be?

    It was mentioned somewhere that the sales volume of TFH in the western market is so small compared to their Japanese domestic market, if this is true for a brand like TFH, why would other smaller brands even care much about growing the western market? Quite frankly if sites like Denimio or OD are forced to shut down or lose accounts, consumers will be the big losers, while the B&M stores laugh all the way to the banks like it's 2007.

    People often say these B&M stores offer the best customer service etc., what else have they got going for them for the prices they are charging? They might as well shut the door and go home if they offer a mediocre customer service at those prices.
    Not everybody lives next to a B&M store, for those that don't, are they supposed to just buy through the websites of the B&M stores in their own country? How do you try them on before you buy them in this case?

    How about stop feeling entitled to say the word "undercut" and just give them a break?
    The fact of the matter is these B&M stores choose to go into a business selling brands which have an extremely limited market interest, times are getting tough and now they are crying foul.

  11. It's funny how the stubborn crew get all worked up whenever someone criticises iron heart and yet when someone shows them a bit of reaction, they start acting cool and wanting to drink...
    Why don't they just chill and relax when the things people say about iron heart are not all positive?
    Why is iron heart always the best and above all else?
    It's like as if they have to act this way so that they can justify the money they are spending on all the overpriced quality items.
    Iron heart makes some great products but its fans are some of the biggest hypocrites.

  12. That's because you weren't in possession of all the facts, weirdly I didn't feel the need to come to SuFu and write ...

    "Hey guys, the first Iron Heart deck jacket I bought was too big but luckily they let me swap it, oh and by the way do you remember that Buzz deck I has which was too big? I was at my mate Jons in March and I tried his, it fit me better but I still didn't like it. That crinkly lining really makes it a bit stiff and uncomfortable for me as I walk most places and wear my deck jacket daily in the winter months, mainly carrying a heavy backpack."

    I found the story a little boring and pointless, but thanks for giving me the opportunity to share regardless.



    whos this guy bad mouthing IH? clusterfuck ill pulverize his face on this forum!


    Who do these iron heart clowns think they are?!

    It is a wonder that this sort of cyber-bullying like behavior is allowed to go on in a forum like this.

    The second you disagree with them about how great iron heart is the second you become their public enemy number 1!

    I guess it's hardly a surprise given their personal business interest in the brand if you think about it...

    Seriously it's hypocrites like these that drive people away from SuFu and ultimately the brand.

    It is a miracle that consumers are willing to pay for the ridiculous and outrageous retail prices for iron heart products outside of Japan.

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