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Posts posted by Carter_amc

  1. Had some great luck in Harajuku today with Momotaro and Studio d'Artisan. Both have very limited selection for women's styles, but they cuts that they do have are pretty fantasic. The place that I am staying in tonight is a short walk away from Ueno, so I will give that a go, but I am betting it will be mostly guys stuff.

  2. I thought I did the reasearch. Unfortunately I was obsessed with one lable and my Japanese is only so-so (waaay to much kanji for me to screw up) so that didn't go so well... Yeah. I was just hopin for some pointers. I was going to check out the main Momotaru and SDA stores in Harajuku today, but I heard good things about Ueno, and was wondering is anyone had any experiance with say... Americaya and if they actually carried female styles or if that would just be a waist of my time?

  3. Ok so I was expecting Japan, and Tokyo in particular, to have a great selection of raw denim for women. So far however, the main label I had set my sights on, Skull Jeans by Alchemist, has moved from it's previous location.

    I have two days left in Tokyo and was wondering if anyone had a heads up on a few shops that would have some selection in woman's styles available. So far most of the shops (and labels) cater mainly (if not solely) to guys. Guess there has been a larger market for them, but it has been making me sad for a long time. I want good denim too! Lol.

    Even beyond my two days, does anyone have in good shops in the Tokyo area?

    I will keep posted if I find anything good. :)

  4. Hey, sorry, I have posted this in a couple different threads now, but I am in Tokyo for a couple more days now and I have been searching like crazy to try to find the Skull Jeans shop. The address I found was in Harajuku and it has moved. Does anyone have any info? I have seriously been searching like crazy!

    Also could anyone recomend any other Japanese raw denim that I might be into or that they like? I fell in love when I saw the Linda, I am just too worried about the fit since I am not quite built like a Japanese girl.

  5. Hey, i looked through the thread and wasn't able to find anything... hope I didn't skim over it... Does anyone know where the Skull Jeans store moved to? I am only in Tokyo for a few more days and I really really was wanting to hit that one up. The only address I found was the old one and it is def. not there any more.

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