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Posts posted by golden_bear

  1. I am currently wearing the 3sixteen sz 34 SL-120x and after a few months of wear they fit pretty perfectly - though the waist is a bit big (roomy enough in the thighs, slight taper, long inseam.. I'm 6'5'' about 220 lbs) (for measurement reference: http://blueowl.us/scripts/psp/VB_Bridge3.dll?VBPROG=\bin\shop.prodt.detail&SKU=7840000 )


    Now, I have narrowed it down to a few options:


    Size 35: Samurai s710XX or s0500XX


    Size 34: Momotaro 0201: http://blueowl.us/scripts/psp/VB_Bridge3.dll?VBPROG=\bin\shop.prodt.detail&SKU=7976001


    size 36: Eternal 811:  http://blueowl.us/scripts/psp/VB_Bridge3.dll?VBPROG=\bin\shop.prodt.detail&SKU=7490001


    Size 34/36 (unsure which): SG2105


    I would like to decide sooner rather than later, as Blueowl has their sale now, and if I get one of those two, its 15% off!


    Also, if anyone else has any ideas for better unsanforized jeans in that price point (~$300>), i'd love to hear them, or if I messed up approximate sizing, it would be nice to know too (first time with unsanforized denim)


    Edit: Added SG to the list

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