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Posts posted by heywhatsup

  1. yeah hoping it doesn't sell out either, have to buy my ticket down the stretch as well. Could see them at future music but would rather see them in concert then at a festival. 

    Haha getting home afterward's going to be a bitch, hoping it finishes early-ish could take the MTR. Cab fares will be through the roof 


  2. LKF again last Friday.. We hit up Muse, Play, Billion then Prive.. man I was wrecked.


    Who's going to be in LKF or Ocean Park for Halloween parties? I need to sort out my costume..

    what's the vibe at prive like? been meaning to check it out, might when i'm there in dec.

    anyone going to porter robinson next week at volar?

    bargain (150hkd w/2 drink) compared to what he's charging to play down here in melbourne in a few weeks 

  3. Been trying to find the answer myself but haven't found a definitive answer so going to post here.

    How have people's experiences been with "Concept Shop Online" and "Human Behaviour" (Both HK sites)? It looks quite legit but i'm saving $180 on an item when compared to a USA retailer so it could be too good to be true so i'm not sure whether it's legit or not. And if so, which seller is more reliable and helpful etc



    any help is greatly appreciated

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