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Posts posted by th3kid

  1. I've lurked this thread from time to time when I run out of movies to watch, you guys usually have some pretty good suggestions on stuff. And I've been watching a lot of movies lately so I figure I'll post them here with a short opinion on them. I'll try to keep them as spoiler free as possible. I've watched about seven movies over the past week or so, and since idk how you guys take lengthy posts, I'll keep it relatively short.




    I went into the movie not really knowing much other than John Waters and years ago seeing one of the scene's that were left out towards the end. I wouldn't recommend anyone see this without at least knowing a little bit about it first. The only movie I could sort of compare this to is Harmony Korine's Trash Humpers, simply for the fact that they're both extremely weird and disturbing.




    I remember seeing this in middle school and liking it then. So I decided to watch it again, great film. I wish David Lynch would make more "normal" films like this and Blue Velvet. By normal I mean not Eraserhead or Lost Highway. 





    Pretty good. Not as good as The Holy Mountain though. I like Jodrowsky because I feel like I understand most of the symbolism he puts in his films. I plan on checking out Jodorowsky's Dune soon.

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