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Posts posted by blac

  1. Im loving my ub 221's after 30 wears can't post pix... Phone won't take pixx w/out sd card ...but fer sher on tha 1st when I get to put them back on im postin for the comp nd hopefully I can make a donation... Help me *d:(... I'm poor... But yea I love my jeans I hope u guys r active cuz its lookin like ima murk this comp!!! Idk how im gonna make it through the summer in this dry ass.desert w/these thic ass jeans but we all have challenges and im determined to wreck these jeans peace

  2. I just got my first pair of raws.UB221 love the fit color build.best.jeans I ever.had.compared to.true.religion nd rmc nd those hundred.dollar sean johns I used to wear... I haven't taken them off since I got them last wednesday... r the more expensive brands i that much better? Cuz

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