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Posts posted by yoitsbuss

  1. @geeman @hakizi thanks for the quick responses! Unfortunately they weren't quick enough, b/c I called earlier and someone already snatched them up! Maybe I shouldn't have posted in this thread lol :/

    On that note, anyone got a pair of E1s/E2s in 32 or 33 that they'd be willing to part with?

  2. First post here, long-time lurker though :) Greatly appreciate everything I've learned from you fine folks!

    Had a question for all the Elephant 2 owners. I've been searching for a pair in my size for the last 2 months, and finally found a pair that miiiiight work. However, I'm a little worried based on some previous posts in this thread around the 120 page mark.

    I currently have a pair of size 33 weird guys in the standard indigo that I LOVE. The waistband is just a tad big and I have to wear a belt, but I do like the fit around the thighs as I have pretty large calves and long legs. If I were to buy them again, I think I'd go w/ a 32 as my thighs still have plenty of breathing room, the waist is a bit big, and I do sag quite a bit b/c of my long legs.

    After deciding it was never going to happen online, I hit the phones and after about 20 calls found a store out of state selling a new pair of Elephant 2s in size 32, and I'm considering pulling the trigger. However, I'm a little worried about them not stretching enough. When I originally bought my WG indigo 33s I could button them w/o any serious issue at all (a little snug, but not uncomfortable and they stretched to totally comfortable in a coupled days), and since I always wore a belt I don't think they even stretched as much as they could.

    Do y'all think I'll have serious issues w/ these? Thanks in advance, and feel free to start calling dibs on them should I pull the trigger and they don't work out :)

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