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Posts posted by Ponyboy312

  1. The 3001-A Natural Indigo Mix, which uses a blend of conventional pure indigo and natural indigo in the warp threads. These jeans don't fade like most natural dyed jeans; there's a beautifully faded pair here in the office that has the same contrast as other FH jeans, but with a really nice aquamarine tint that's different from any other denim I've seen.


    Kyle, or ANYONE, can you post or PM me some fade pics of the 3001-A or 3005-A's.  Thinking of copping a pair, but I want to see what they fade like first...Ive read other places that natural indigo wont really fade much...but these are supposed to.  Thanks!

  2. I allready posted a link to the BlueOwl website on SF for you. Why do you need it, if I may ask?

    Are you saying J might mail me one?  I guess I can email him and ask.  As to why I want it: I keep my back pocket flashers and I cant find this one; OCD I guess.

  3. For those of you about to order, it doesn't state it on their page and finding his updates are damn near impossible but according to this link




    They are backordered and he has nothing in stock. So unless you want to wait months like some of his customers who has been getting let down month after month, don't purchase those jeans. I'm very pissed off right now that I ordered a pair and did not know it was back ordered, or was informed by Dave or any of his staff. Finding this out through someone on facebook is unacceptable.

    Just saw the video and I wonder...is he stoned?


    Personally, I'd consider cancelling the order.  I've played the backorder game on a non-denim purchase years ago, the company kept kicking the can down the line, claiming I'd get my item "soon" or "next month."  Fuck that. 


    Addendum: I made it through some more of the video and the founder, Dave F./Canuck, seems like he's transitioning Maple into a US-based company in LA...moving it from England.  You've gotta admire his commitment to quality and taking the steps to make sure his idea is executed right. 


    So the Maples you (and anyone else who is waiting on a pair) will get are going to be Cone Mills denim sewn in LA rather than Kurabu Mills denim sewn in China.  I think he's moving the company in the right direction.  I don't need another pair of motorcycle jeans at this juncture as the season is ending.  However, if I'm able to step up to a cruiser next year, I will give them another look as I want to have a little more protection if I'm going to be touring. 


    I'm hoping Dave comes back to the forum and posts some updated fade pics and some fit pics an macros of the new Cone Mills jeans he's rolling out late September/early October.

  4. These are JB x Momo's. A collab designed to put JB onto the map, riding along on the popularity of Momotaro.

    JB's see not easy to fade though, mostly due to the use or sulphur mixed dye.

    Thanks M1, didn't know about the sulphur mix. 


    Mr. Black, don't worry about fading..there is a pair of JBs a page or so back that had some decent fades and the owner said it was one of his favorite denims.  Get some fit pics up on the board when you get your jawns.

  5. ...it's all part of the momo aesthetic... I always read post like, "man the denim!" or "love those but..." if that is the case you don't love them you like small selective portions of it but as an entire product you would probably be happier with something else. 



  6. Well, as they are onewash I got them with pretty good roping already. The rest just simply occured. I'm not sure what determines the roping effects, but on Samurai I never get much of it. I assume the thickness of the fabric, its shrinkage and the frequency of the washes are most important.

    No roping on any of my jawns.  Imma cuffer.

  7. Just don't, sell them off and buy a size up. 

    Plus one.  Sell 'em.  (PS: been there done that re: having to resell momos- its a pain in the ass, but the the weave is too tight to stretch on these no matter what you do in them).

  8. Just purchased a pair of 2021HM, exactly what I was looking for in terms of details/features: High rise, roomy top-block, straight leg, copper rivets, crotch rivet, delicious slubby denim mmmm.


    The single needle construction is a big plus and I am really looking forward to breaking these in. Will be nice having another pair of jeans beside my 5K to wear. 


    words can not describe how excited I am.

    Cheers mate! I wanted a pair of these and was getting ready to buy a pair when I got sidetracked into getting a pair of ironhearts.    I was really exited about the Oni handmades so I can only imagine how geeked you must be right now.  Post some fit pics when you the them.  Congrats!

  9. Why not. For most people it is preferred that paint on backpocket chips off. Add's a lot of character to the also apparent wear.

    I'm not so sure about that.  I suppose it would depend on how it faded.  The fade in the above pic (and some others I've seen) looks more like an unintentional smudge than anything else.  Some might like that, other's might not.  I'd fall into the latter camp.  


    Technically speaking, a cleft jaw and lazy eye can lend "character" to a person's appearance.  However, many would argue said "character" has a negative impact in the person's overall appearance.  Beauty is in the eye of the beholder after all.

  10. just wanna share my fit on 0100sp 



    the fit is okay; not quite tight enough for a cowboy/macho fit and not quite loose enough for a relaxed fit.  its an ok standard fit.

  11. Hey guys ! I need your help for choosing a pair of jeans ! 


    Both look good but i don't really know both brands, so i basically look for the best quality, construction, longevity (dunno if this word is actually english) ! 


    So my choice goes from Japan Blue 0206 and Pure blue japan XX005 if anyone is familiar with these brands, as i'm not please let me know !!!



    cheers and thanks in advance :)

    Japan Blue is Momotaro's value-priced brand; they are sanforized and cheaper than their vintage label denim.  PBJ is a top notch vintage brand comparable to Momotaro's vintage label.  The texture on the XX005s looks better than the JB206s by miles.  If you have a choice between JB206 and PBJXX005, get the PBJXX005; this is a no brainer.

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