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Posts posted by BrennisCloute

  1. i think it's possible to do without a master's. not completely necessary but would help you become a better CD.

    alt route: art & creative direction is a thing where it may be easier to bounce around to work your way up. a senior designer can bounce into an AD position at a different agency, an effective and experienced AD could easily bounce into a CD position somewhere else if your agency isn't receptive. while doing this, you'll work with CD's daily and learn what they do, what you need to learn how to do better, etc. it's just a chain like anything else. not the most convenient but neither is $60k in loans you know?

    check out art director internships.

    also check out wk12 too, though i think you may pay for that (?)

  2. mica, mcad, cooper union, cranbook

    risd & cal arts would be top for undergrad, Yale for MFA (all personal though). SVA has a heavy instructor list too.

    find a school with instructors known in the field or at least vocal about what they believe in (authored books, large following, etc.). also find a school with work coming out of it you like.

    you can be one of the best. if you believe that then job prospect statistics don't mean anything.

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