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Posts posted by ClamSlam

  1. Gave a presentation with one of those random boners. Tried really hard to let it go down before going up but was not successful..

    There's a point where you just gotta vibe with it and go for it, man.

    Speech class in high school was hard for me(if you know what I mean), but all it takes is a little confidence and you're the funniest guy in the class.

  2. Also, I had to hire some new people at work, and one of the candidates had great qualifications and relevant experience and all I could wish for for this one position, and when I was checking her references and googling her, I noticed that she didn't have any social media activity, but I did stumble upon some nudes of her on 4chan. Still hired her...

    Holy shit that is hilarious.

    How the fuck do you track someone on 4chan? Was her trip her fucking name? HAHAHA

  3. Some fucker in SF keeps passing toll booths without paying and I keep getting his tickets, while i'm in los angeles. We have virtually the same license plates, except switching an "e" for "f"(looks the same if you had supercaps on). He drives an audi, I drive a mazada. I have to pay for one of his tickets so I can renew my car registration, then contest it to get my money back.

    Now I have to pay 15 bucks to get a customized plate because i'm tired of getting his tickets. What should I get?

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