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Blank TV

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Posts posted by Blank TV

  1. I was eating lunch last week and saw a Japanese tourist with the nicest

    hat I have ever seen in my life... he barely spoke English so I couldn't

    get much info from him about it... all I know is this...

    1) He bought it in Japan

    2) It said "Boycott" under the brim

    3) It was made of tweed, had a leather strap back, and was a blend of these two hats...

  2. I just got off the phone with my friend and he was telling me that his Dad is opening up a coffee shop so we can work in. He's going to be paying us 10 dollars an hour, so it should be awesome .

    Hopefully this will help me get used to socializing with other people before i start college .

  3. Dude that's three more than me (the last girl to call my handsome was my sister..or maybe my aunt or something).

    That's definitely a good thing though, and you should definitely take some good feelz from that and build up your confidence. The way I see it, these random girls coming up to you, you probably won't ever see in your life again, so it won't hurt your odds of starting something unexpectedly awesome. But based on how you are, these are baby steps and you're doing a great job of getting out of your comfort zone.

    And since that girl works at gamestop, it means she'll be there again. Think about approaching her again dude

    The thing is, i was going to start talking to girls randomly to get used to rejection. But after reading negative things off of 4ch@n i feel doomed .

    I really need to get off of the internet .

  4. Try to make one good friend, then try to hangout with them as often as you can, you'll meet their friends, etc.

    Also the retail thing is good.

    Also what do you look like? Do you think you're attractive? Kinda serious question lol

    I don't think I'm attractive but a couple of girls thought i was .

    I've been approached by three girls so far and told that i was handsome, i had the opportunity to get to know them but i was such a pussy that i couldn't continue on talking to them.The second one that approached me worked in gamestop and had a nice round ass, i still regret not getting to know her .

  5. Bottom line, I'm afraid of being around humans now that I've learned how evil people can be behind closed doors thanks to the internet .

    Ever since i started browsing 4ch@n and the misc section of the bodybuilding forums my mind has been corrupted .

    I just want to live happy again .

  6. all my interest are so narrow and strayed from the mainstream (b/c of the internet), i cant speak or get along with normal people..


    Yeah, it's the same with me .

    Ever since my mom bought me a new computer I've been addicted to trolling random internet forums and believing what everyone behind a computer screen says .

    Before i started getting on the internet i was fine, i didn't have a problem with associating with humans .

    My problem is that I'm afraid of what people think of me now after seeing how negative and ruthless people are on the internet .

    I never knew so much people hid their hate .

  7. Growing up i had social anxiety and i never stepped out of my comfort zone to try and fix it .

    For an instance ,in my school we would have programs in the auditorium where they would call on random people in a crowd full of huge classes . I would try to hide in the back in fear of getting called on .

    In my elementary/middle school days i was put in a catholic school to be kept away from low class kids , everyone there was quiet and "nerdy" . The tuition got too expensive so my parents had no choice but to put me in a public school .

    It was so different , everyone was loud and aggressive and i wasn't used to it The fights , noise , huge crowds it was crazy .

    After my freshmen year i decided to get homeschooled and i loved it . Eating whenever i want , cheating , playing games but after i finished everything it felt as if my soul died .

    I stayed in the house over three years and i haven't smelled fresh air in a LONG TIME .

    I haven't associated with another human being other than my family members in a LONG TIME.

    So here i am still bored at home waiting to leave to Los Angeles for college in the summer .(i currently live in brooklyn ny) . I'm not sure how this is going to go since i have trouble talking to other people .And i also really need to get laid again instead of staying home beating off , lol .

    Any tips on getting back outside ? I get really nervous when around huge crowds and i need to break out of this before i start college .

    Thanks .

  8. In my last thread i i had people debate which is better in terms of weather , girls , food etc The Bay or LA .

    I'm really looking forward into going to LA , but after looking up San Diego i think i want to move there instead , lol .

    Which do guys think is better ?

    Which has hotter Asian girls ?



  9. I'm supposed to be sharing a house soon with my boy who's Filipino . He's going to have a few of his female cousins living there too , this should be good . smugbiden.PNG

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