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Posts posted by lobstertainment

  1. KRS-One - Build Ya Skillz

    from his self titled album.

    I always go back and forth between the self titled and Return of the Boom Bap as my favorite KRS-One album. I'm sure some older cat could come in and say that it was one of his earlier albums with BDP, but I feel like they haven't had the lasting power that say Eric B and Rakim had from that late 80s era.

    Anyways, regarding the self titled KRS album, I used to think that MCs Act Like They Don't Know was my favorite track off the album. Over the years, however, it had become really clear to me that Build Ya Skillz is actually my favorite. It isn't quite as catchy, and you won't start jumping and shit immediately like you would with MCs Act Like They Don't Know, but it has this rawness. Very simple beat, just bass and drums; leaves room for KRS to just stomp all over the beat however he wants. It gets out of the way to give him room, and KRS gets to really shine with his lyrics, rhymes, delivery (he has the best fucking delivery I swear), etc.

    <3 KRS

  2. Waiting to board my flight to Warsaw. Doing a conference for the first week, then I took the next week off to see the city, drink and be merry, etc.

    Also looking for activity/destination suggestions. If anyone wants to meet up, I'd be down to grab a drink too.

  3. Favorite Roots track. Black Thought is just such an incredible MC.

    Laugh sample is perfect.

    I feel a lot of people overlook The Roots' early career and associate them with their newer albums and the kids who don't really like hip hop but like the new Roots shit because it is approachable/"alternative"/"underground"/safe/etc hip hop.

    Do You Want More??!?!?!?! and Illadelph Halflife are two of my favorite hip hop albums. Classics.
  4. It's already been mentioned I think, but I tried it on the other day and it's pretty worthless. Completely unpadded and had no shape, feels like a cheap windbreaker overall.

    Exactly my experience as well. I wanted so badly for it to be nice...

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