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Posts posted by skcheng

  1. 8687636661_7b9f8d297c_c.jpg


    Schmidt Shirt - One Pocket Worker

    Schmidt Shirt - Type III

    IH DC4001

    Schmidt shirts are awesome!!! I have a Pilot shirt and a Poor Man's Western. Denim one pocket worker should be next!! What weight denim are your Worker and Type III shirts??

    Nice fit too!! And really the nicest detailing possible!!


  2. ^they should be slightly tough to button.

    BlackBlue just received their newest cut, the samuel in their kurabo 16oz denim. the fit is a henley the top with less taper from the knee down. basically a henley with the reed leg opening. solid cut.

    I recently had a chance to try on the Samuel cut. Since I have bigger thighs, I couldn't fit the Samuel properly. And unfortunately I was between sizes on the Samuel. Both the Reeds and the Henleys fit me in a size 31. With the Samuel, the size 31 was too tight along the thighs and top block and then the size 32 was simply too big everywhere. Bummer, since it's a nice cut.

  3. Just a small plug for Falerbrand. Just the best leather crafted goods and service available. The above whisky shell wallet is mine and it's gorgeous and functional. And delivered fast. Can't wait to receive my newest items!! Thanks Bud!!

  4. Aaron from Baldwin has been REALLY great to deal with. Had a small issue and Baldwin went above and beyond to correct things. My new fave denim. I fit both the Reed and the Henley cut and will be trying out some of the newer offerings hopefully this week. Fit pics to follow once everything is in.

  5. anyone know where I can get a belt like this one for about half price of this one??

    I bought one of these and the buckle and leather are VERY nice. I'll probably stop in BiG and pick up another one that's actually my size at some point soon. Great belts and thick, luxurious leather.

    The Samurai belt ........

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