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Ishmael j.

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Posts posted by Ishmael j.

  1. Awesome jacket!

    Strange that SE calls it the "military drover" though. The white blanket version uses a NOS blanket fabric that was originally for "military" blankets, but that's about the only thing military about it. The denim version doesn't have anything military that I can see.

  2. Think the wabi-sabi is added post-production by the user through a process that, in our parlance, is often named "shit kickin". :D

    To be clear, there is no stock available at Mushmans. For the event last weekend, Goto-san opened up ten spots for oxford (and only oxford) orders. The first ten orderees (and yes all 10 slots were quickly filled) will receive their oxfords in a few months. Boots are still at around 2 years.

  3. I think they only really get to looking clown shoe when they too thick of soles and crazy upturned toes.

    Pretty sure those were painted post production, and shouldn't reflect Goto-san's artistic sensibilities. The artist's working name is KID, he is a professional pinstriper and painter of vintage Harleys, in addition to a number of other artistic endeavors. He was also at the Mushmans event the other day. With any significant purchase, you received a free painting. Didn't have anything to paint so I had him put my son's name on his rain boots.


    Anyway, I certainly wouldn't have anybody paint my work boots, but to each their own.

  4. I would have taken some pics at the shop, but my camera skills are no match for their very low lighting. And, at the restaurant, it was more a matter of trying to squeeze in thru the little genkan while taking off yer boots, hurdling other boots and boot taker off ers, and trying not to fall backwards down the stairs.

    I'll see if I can get some pics of worn boots though. Fujita-san at Mushmans has a nice worn pair of WK's in Badalassi Cognac at the shop I can snap a few pics of for sure.

    The oxfords are between 80-90,000 Yen, but you can probably lop off 5% of that as unnecessary sales tax.

    HOWEVER, if I were considering a pair of WK's, I'd be equally considering a trip to Japan. Having gone through the custom fit process and talking with Goto-san, it definitely seems more than a little mottainai to not get a custom fit on these.

  5. And I'll add. These boots are very wearable, definitely not (only) artwork. At the Mushmans event and after party, there were quite a few pairs of well worn White Klouds around. And they looked fantastic. (in fact, you should have seen the genkan entryway at the restaurant we went to. 40 pairs of awesome engineer, cowboy and work boots all in a row. Felt sorry for the little waitress who had to carry all those tanks to the foot lockers and back again!).

  6. I posted this over on Styleforum regarding White Kloud, perhaps in response to BrownMetallic (?). I'll copy and paste it here.

    Funny you should ask about White Kloud. I just did a custom fitting for White Kloud boots the other day. I'm not planning on getting any, but Mr. White Kloud (Goto-san) was at Mushmans (the White Kloud shop is just a block away from Mushmans, and both are near Minami-Koshigaya St.) for a special event, and was doing custom fittings for his Oxfords (see link below).


    All I can say is, these boots are the real deal. It don't get any better. Plus, Goto-san comes to shoe crafting out of reflexology and is 100% about getting you the perfect fit first and foremost. BUT. Its a 2 year wait for his boots. He has an associate who does some of the work on the Oxfords and they can be had a little sooner though.

    I believe the cognac boots you posted above are the Mushmans model. They are $1700 w/o tax. (those from outside Japan would not be required to pay tax of course).


    Here are another pair at $1,600 (not sure if this includes tax or not on this pair, Japanese retailers are required to list sales tax so it probably does)


    If you have any q's about WK, I can definitely help.

  7. Again, I'm not sure what the connection is between all these different companies. Looks like a pretty tangled web.

    California Brown is gone. It was a special leather from a few years back. That would be my top choice.

    Desolation Row? Sounds intrigiuing.

    Edit: I see, that's the name of their retail store. After all these years, not sure how I've missed giving them a visit. Will be doing so soon!

  8. @SLAB

    I'm in a good geographic location to make recommendations, but I really don't have enough experience with measurements etc to feel very confident. I remeasured my chest, and I actually measure 39. I've tried on some Aeros and I was 38 in 50s Halfbelt, 40 in 30s Halfbelt and 42 in S.T.F (super tight fit or "Japanese Configuration"). Also tried on the McCoys Wayward and Yardbird. Needed a 42 in those. I've seen varying measurements for the RC Single Riders.

    I haven't got hands on with any of the Freewheelers or Jelado jackets yet, but I hope too!

  9. That's interesting. I always wondered about RC leather jackets. I see a lot of details similiar to Freewheelers' leather jackets. RC also produces more military style leather jackets and their leather down vests are pretty sweet too. If you pick up the Single Rider Jacket, post some fit pics in the "Show Off Your Leather Jacket Thread" http://supertalk.sup...leather-jacket/

    The Freewheelers main Fall and Winter Exhibition is next week. It will be interesting to see what direction FW goes next.

    Indeed. RC does some excellent down vests. Mushmans is taking order now for a killer vest in roughout.


    I don't know exactly what the relationship between Freewheelers and RC is, but I know that RC is run by Miyoshi-san, former employee (owner) at one of the McCoys that went under.

    I'll post pics if I get it, but you can see a photo of me wearing the Black and the Red Brown riders jacket at Fedora Lounge.

    When and where are the Freewheelers shows? Would really like to go!

  10. Hope it's alright to add "Rainbow Country" to this thread. Yesterday the owner of Mushmans (a great shop! located at Minami-Koshigaya station) confirmed that both Rainbow Country and Freewheelers leather jackets are made at the same factory, located just up the road from me in Noda, Chiba. Rainbow Country uses the same horsehide as Freewheelers, but perhaps not the same level of finishing touches (linings etc). The best part is that most R.C jackets are around $500 dollars cheaper than their Freewheel counterparts. I'm no expert, but the R.C. seems like a nice alternative.

    Right now I'm consider picking up their "single riders jacket", which is very similar to the Freewheelers "caboose" jacket, but with a different back pattern.

    edit: tried to post photos, but I'm new here and not sure how to do it.........

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