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Posts posted by Kathrynnaomi

  1. Hey fellas,


    Need your opinion on this one! I recently bought a pair of Fullcount 1109 21 oz. Awesome jeans.


    However, now I’m a little bit concerned about how I should do with soaking or not. I went with size 33 and it’s tight. I can still button up all the way though and move around normally.


    The guy at the store recommended me to use them for at least half a year before the initial soak since I bought them true to size. And that would probably be fine but I’m worried that the honeycombs and other marks will be totally off If I first use them for a good time and then wash/soak and the length decreases quite a lot…


    Another way to go would be a initial soak but then I’m afraid they will end up to tight… however, I got a couple of extra pounds I consider to loose anyway ;)


    Is it anyone with experience of the 1109 21oz? Do they shrink a lot? Do I need to soak them multiple times? How much do they stretch back again?


    Another alternative would be not to soak or wash them at all at any time but that would also mean no color fading as when using water. 


    What do you think about my options? Soak now, soak later or never? Hit me with your advices! :)

    What did you go in the end? Did they stretch out much?
  2. I have to say that the PBJ indigo sweatshirt is the NICEST sweatshirt I have ever owned! The indigo is just beautiful and the cut is really flattering! So happy with this ðŸ˜. Also ordering from Okayama was a breeze to the UK. Very impressed!

  3. This 18oz denim is unreal! I'm finding it more slubby and interesting than my ONI 20oz secret denim. It's got so much texture, soooooo stiff though, a proper denim break-in, this denim sorts the men from the boys (and girls!)

  4. Pure Blue Japan XX-18oz-013Soaking in the bath 1.5-2 hours at a temperature of 40-45 degrees with the spacer in the belt (size 34 RAW).All measurements in centimetersW - 46,5 - 44,5HIP - 56 - 54,5FR - 28 - 27BR - 38,5 - 37TH - 32 - 31TH_5cm-30 - 29TH_10cm - 27,5 - 26,5KN - 21,8 - 21LO - 20,5 - 20IN - 96 - 93PS these are not my jeans

    thanks mate.

  5. Hey guys. Can anyone tell me how much the 18oz shrinks, and how much it stretches? I am really digging it, and want to get a good feel of how it shrinks and stretches. Thanks!

    Just ordered some from Denimio, really like some info on the 18oz denim and its stretch capacity?!

  6. Hey! SDA are quite small at the waist compared to tag so you may be OK, the 15oz don't shrink massively but they do stretch out, not sure on the 18oz. Are the ones you ordered raw? (This is thegeelewis from instagram by the way )

    Small world!! Cool, I've just washed my Ironheart 555-02 after 6 months and they are SNUG, hence the sizing up dilemma! I really like the look of the 18.5 oz denim and have wanted a slim pair of SDA for ages so I'm really hoping I can make these work. Yours look lovely on Instagram btw!

  7. I'm waiting for some sd307 18.5 oz from Denimio to arrive. I sized up from my normal Ironheart and Flathead sizing so I'm a bit nervous. Really wanting these to work out, such beautiful looking denim! If they are a bit big is it worth sticking with them and giving them a hot soak?

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