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Posts posted by nawth21

  1. New or slightly used is fine. RFG, N+F, etc. prefer non stretch and brands that don't take a year of heavy wear to even start showing slight fades lol Brands that fit the ladies in other words. Located in the US. PP Verified/Confirmed. eBay FB available upon request. Please PM me, thanks!

  2. Wondering the price range I should expect for adding a rubber sole to my shoes, and what type of sole I should add.

    (gettin' 'em "vibram'd" I guess?)

    they're these (I thought a thin red sole at the bottom would look pretty good)

    $20 at my local cobbler. Red soles make me think of Lou' but sure why not.

    I'm sure its been asked before, but looking for decent priced small leather goods (veg tanned/natural), etsy sellers preferred.

  3. Resurrecting this thread. I've gone through about half of it, then my attention span ran out. Looking to get my first pair of raw. Looking to spend 200ish. Under 200 even better. Skinny slim fit. Good fade. 100% cotton or blend, doesn't matter. Not picky on selvedge or not. 5'3 105 or so. Not much in the way of curves. Specs for most my jeans are ~28 measured waist but that's w a lower rise.

    Need some recs. So far what stands out are pbjs, RFG vipers 001 and APC PS. Looks like I may be able to try on the APCs. I'm not opposed to a slouchier fit, digging the way the vipers look but I also like skinny skinnies. I hate not being able to try on :/

  4. Thanks, I'll check it out. Are there mens jeans in there as well, just worn by the ladies? Because that's what I'm looking for LOL Some of the womens raw brands are aight, but not really the fit I'm going for necessarily.

  5. hey guys, just got a apc ps size 26 (true waist 28) recently and here are some fit pics:



    sorry for the bad lighting

    Not sure if I should have went a size smaller on these? the thighs are pretty roomy and they buttoned up with minimal difficulty and im afraid of it stretching out.

    What does the waist measure in at, out of curiosity? I'm a girl, so judging sizes for online purchasing is rough. I don't know my waist size, womens jeans don't work like that LOL and it all depends on how I wear them. If I sag a bit, 28". Natural waist? Probably 26". Damned if I know. I'll be measuring a few different pairs of jeans when I get home to try and ballpark it. But, anyone have size 24/25/26 in NS,PS or NC and wouldn't mind measuring em up?

    yess..I know. The dreaded sizing questions. But it's more complicated for us wimminz. And the search function isn't very helpful when it wont let me search for just "26" etc :(

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