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Posts posted by zeek1015

  1. Cheers for the reply, much appreciated. Any chance of seeing some fade pics?

    I wish the rivets were turning green too, they have a lot of catching up to do with the rusted buttons.

    Just FYI. You can get some chemicals to move the process along if you are desperate, I know that you get a chemical from Stained Glass manufacturers for staining the copper based solder but I can imagine that this would be pretty nasty stuff and I have no idea what it would do to your denim surrounding the rivet. I think that the best solution may be to experiment with either yoghurt or vinegar/salt-water mix, these are both meant to speed along the process. I would start with the yoghurt and see how you get on, it is thicker and you could dab it on with a cotton bud or small brush without getting it onto the denim. Leave it for a couple of days and see what you get. if the copper is lacquered then you will have to remove this with some steal wool. Or you could just let nature take its course :-)

  2. Grooveholmes is correct. My Pantaloons fly buttons were rusted after I soaked them, however I really liked it, i feel like it adds to the jeans. I also soaked them a second time as I used them as actual work pants and the jeans now look more greenish than super dark blue. I really love my pantaloons. I wish the rivets were turning green too, they have a lot of catching up to do with the rusted buttons.

    Hey, so cool, oddly enough I am glad to hear that the buttons rust! I am all for it, I was just concerned that I bought a lemon. It can only add to the character! How are they wearing in? I have never had a pair of jeans that had such light denim. I think 14 oz was the minimum. I have a pair of STF but they are about 15oz and I like the fades, much more subtle, the dye seems to go deeper and I get a graded fade rather than the stark lines I find with Nudies or N&F. So, I look forward to seeing how the patina develops.

    Cheers for the reply, much appreciated. Any chance of seeing some fade pics?

  3. As much as I love LVC also, you'll soon learn they skimp on pretty much everything and historical accuracy is very hit or miss most of the time too.

    Ah ok, all the stuff I have so far I am really happy with, maybe it is in comparison to the usual high-street crap you find. I was always fussy about jeans but never gave too much consideration to what I was wearing up top, however lately I have given it a little more consideration and found some brands I really like, LVC being one. Slowly I am moving out the mass market stuff and replacing it with things with a little more authenticity. I guess LVC leans towards the mass market production in this area of the market and I should not expect too much. Either way. I find the whole thing fascinating and it is a pretty brave thing for a company to do, to produce a jean for purely historical reasons that will not appeal to many, I noticed on the forum that the reception to the pantaloons was mixed. This is one thing to be said for the size of Levi. They make enough money on the mass produced stuff to allow them to indulge in more eclectic projects. However like I said I am right at the start of this fascination with historical denim and still have a ways to go, Maybe my impressions are a little rose tinted. Thanks for the info, much appreciated.

  4. Ah cool, glad I checked up. I found a couple of fit pics kicking around as well. Pretty excited about these. I just got started with the LVC stuff and getting pretty into the history. I wonder if the original buttons used way back when would oxidise also and this is why they did it. It does not seem like LVC to skimp on anything and the features they put in are there for a historical reason. Perhaps this is why. Or maybe I am over analysing it :rolleyes: haha.

    Again thanks for the info.

    I think attackwithstones mentioned this awhile back with his. It's pretty common with all of lvc these days-- they've started using buttons that oxidize more quickly than previous iterations.

  5. Hi

    Anyone got experience with the Levis LVC 1878 Pantaloons? I just bought a pair of used ones off ebay, I got them for £100 which seemed to be a fair price when the seller stated that they were hardly worn. However the buttons are rusty, I have never had rusty buttons on any jeans, not even the cheapest jeans I owned had rusty buttons, just want to check I did not sink £100 on a rip off.

    I found a few pics here of the jeans in question but couldn't really see the button on the fly.

    Any info would be much appreciated.


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