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Posts posted by lstplcwnr

  1. Has anybody heard about Master-Piece Brand from Japan?

    been using my masterpiece fade backpack for three years now. extremely comfortable, capable of carrying heavy loads, great quality imo.

  2. @Jun.H naw i havent yet, but i plan on picking one up as soon as possible and ill let you know how it is. pricing kinda throws me off too, so honestly not sure what to expect lol. they're local, so might as well give em a try

  3. found this guy's channel when i was looking at reviews. they have a few reviews but a lot of other videos where they just get blazed and talk about random shit. some of them are pretty funny and makes me wish i had a canadian stoner friend. most of them start off with the guy lighting the joint then coughing but the way it's edited just makes me laugh every time.




    this one's so good. good find lol

  4. its my birthday but i have no friends to celebrate it with and my dad didnt even say hbd so i got stoned alone and played league of legends and now im waiting for my mom to come home so i can order pizza because i don't make my own money and i sit on my ass all day

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