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Posts posted by leatherman

  1. Bought the black power stretch skinny guys today, they are getting hemmed now so ill give you all an update when i get em back. They certainly feel different than my LHT!!! much thinner and softer, will be interesting to rotate between them.

  2. I see you guys asking about protecting your leather a lot, I use Fiebings aussie leather conditioner, or a thin layer of Fiebings Tan-Kote on all my bike seats, seems to keep em pretty waterproof and dyes and finishes dont bleed or anything. Just my 2 cents.

  3. Hey guys, new to the site, new to raw denim, just picked up my first pair I went with N&F LHT indigo selvage. Decided that the new jeans needed a new wallet and belt combo, Im a leather worker on the side. Ill get some pics of my gear up right away. Looking forward to my new journey.

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