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Posts posted by Bluish

  1. ???

    that post makes no sense

    what is your question?

    trying to analyze people will make you overthink

    I forgot to ask, I suppose I could edit my post but what the hell, I'll ask in this post.

    I don't enjoy dating, haven't so far, what's up with that. It's not that I'm nervous (okay somewhat, but not the debilitating type) or have no money, I simply do not enjoy dating, it feels like a chore. How do I change my mindset? Usually I can adapt to situations and go with the flow, not so much in this field and that annoys me.

    Also, analyzing is fun, I was much more confused before.

  2. I like conversing with people, when I speak I contort my face and gesture with my hands like Bill Gates. I def know what I want out of life and am passionate about my interests. I used to be nervous and quiet, real stand off-ish type of guy, not so much now, it's been stated previously but yea it's all about being comfortable with yourself, sometimes you say dumb shit or you have dorky gestures, nothing to fret over, real futile worries.

    Currently I'm wetting my feet in the creek of women, I haven't dated so much, more so gotten to know the girls I see on the train or in my classes, it's a lot of fun, I studied the myers biggs tests, real cool to analyze people from what they let out in conversation.

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