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Posts posted by jr90

  1. Thanks man! Nicee! Glad you scored a new Keyton! I still don't have one of those, but I'm trying to hold out for a Patterned one. Hopefully Peter releases them soon :)

    yeah I was super surprised I was able to, makes me 1 for 1! When I emailed him he said he didn't have any more plain ones, but that he had one in rose gold. I've never seen them in that color but I'm pretty stoked, throw some pics up when I get it.

  2. No activity in 4 days? This thread is dead so I'll use a Wedgie to bump this Pest to the top. ;)

    very nice!

    So I somehow managed to accidentally stumble across one of Peter Atwood's sales almost three days after all the stock had sold out. Snapped up a Wrunt quick-smart. Against all my expectations, it arrived today. Pretty pleased with myself.

    gotta say, the wrunts are sexy as hell, and I'm super glad i copped one :) basically perfect as a keyring tool for me too. good to see you managed to get your hands on one too, neonecko

    but yeah, i was googling where to buy his stuff and the sale link to his website popped up first on the list. this was despite the fact that he had put the wraw bar wrunts up for sale on his blog (and then removed the link and posted they had "sold out") on wednesday morning my time and this was late friday evening...

    so word to the wise, if you want any of his stuff, google around the time sale links have gone up and you might get lucky

    edit: just tried it with the blue count sporkulas and the link is still there. sold out doe


    read this tip from you the other day and I was 12 hours late checking in on his g2 keyton sale, emailed him and he said he had one left for me! so stoked, thanks for the tip bro

    You guys must be tired of seeing me post Atwood stuff in here. Okay I will stop.


    I use the one I'm carrying on me all the time! Mostly as a bottle opener but I've actually used the flathead/pry-tip on multiple occasions. The Superbug I have has the added benefit of philips screwdriver or whatever hex bit I decide to put on there.

    Multitools are also great and extremely functional! I've used everything from the Leatherman Micra(keep a full sized Juice in my pack) to a Victorinox Minichamp. But the Atwoods work well for me since I don't want/need another sharp on me. I usually have two so carrying a third may be overkill. Atwoods are small/lightweight/and usually multifunctional so carrying one really isn't a problem as they aren't very obtrusive. Still...Atwoods are not for everybody, but thats a great thing about EDC, its custom tuned to your personal preferences and there's an endless amount of options :). Not trying to convince anyone here to buy them, I just like sharing photos I've taken and Atwoods happen to be my latest interest.

    Heres the latest Atwood acquisition. I had to sacrifice 2/3 of my collection to get this piece but I've always wanted a Ghost.


    badass, man. stoked to get my Keyton

  3. Really? Wonder why mine are so frayed then...

    If it's conditioning you're after then why not just do cardio? We can agree to disagree

    I don't mind at all brother, though the lifts aren't impressive at all.

    5'8, 170, 11-12%.

    305x3 squat / 365x1 dead/ 245x1 bench

    barely started squatting consistently in Jan, and haven't done deads since '11. Strong upper:lowerbody ratio <_< . Currently cutting but soon as I start my lean-bulk back up I'm hoping to pack on some decent leg meat.

  4. Speaking of EDC...

    I was recently stopped (NYC Subway) and issued a pink summons in New York City (10-133 © ) for having a "knife outside clothing." It was in fact a Swiss Army Knife that was barely sticking out of my pocket. And she didn't confiscate. Definitely just trying to meet quota. Anyone know what to do here? I was friendly and polite (as we all should be trying to get off from a cop) but she was hearing none of it. She even had to look up in her little ticket book what the violation number was. Should I plead guilty or not guilty? I mean how can I argue to get it dismissed? She did say it would get dismissed (maybe she won't show up?)

    i would look up the violation # and see exactly what the details are. If it's not 100% true then plead not guilty. what a bitch cop

  5. Yeah. check into the Inzer wrist wraps. not too cheap and make you feel confident.

    second this, although the velcro started to wear off after about 6 months

    My wrist pain came from having a weak grip. In turn, came tendonitis. (Left arm.)

    I've since been training my grip and I've no longer had any wrist pains of any sort. Tendonitis, on the other hand, I'm still dealing with.

    what're you using for grip training? I just started using Captains of Crush and they're pretty intense.

    looking to improve my pull-up strength and overhead press, which assistance exercises do you guys use for these? i'm using pull-up negatives and db shoulder presses right now. just wondering if there are more effective exercises i should be doing.

    definitely go with weighted, dead hang pullups. Find an amount you can comfortable get 6 reps with, then rest for atleast 2 minutes. You should be able to get 4-5 sets with the same weight and relatively same difficulty every time. Your pull up numbers will go up.

    Have you ever done kipping pullups? They're more of a gymnastics move where you use your core an momentum to help you up.

    The reason I ask is because these can be helpful when you do very high volume (total of 50-100 in a workout). You will completely exhaust your lats and then when you go back to strict pullups, you won't get fatigued as soon.

    At least that's how it's been for me. I can do about 50 kipping pullups in a row and 15-20 strict. But if I only focused on strict, I think I'd get tired sooner.

    kipping pull-ups are a joke, man. drop em!

  6. edc pics:


    RayBan Wayfarers

    Fenix LD01

    Seiko "Orange Monster" w/rubber strap

    Magpul Iphone Field Case

    Spyderco Tenacious G

    Ben Sherman Wallet (will be replacing with either Corter or Tanner Goods bifold)

    Crappy keychain


    I probably use this little knife the most, kershaw mini-carabiner.

    The little fish used to be a cool bottle opener, now it's a real pain in the ass. Will be replacing with Corter's Bottle opener, pretty stoked for it


    i rotate my watches of course, but this one has been my favorite for the past month or so

  7. sup guys, joined this forum to check out the leatherworking threads but stumbled on this one about 15 minutes into my browsing and have spent all my time here since. alot of EDC stuff i've never seen before like Peter Atwood's shit, fucking NICE. will throw a pic up soon of my plebian EDC gear.

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