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Posts posted by somethingauthentic

  1. lived in la past 5 years. moved to sf in august.

    la wins burgers + mexican food + girls + weather.

    sf wins nightlife (esp bar scene) + atmosphere + coffee.

    both are dope places. love them both. la is harder to appreciate and, at first, it's easy to believe all the stereotypes of la culture. if you work at discovering la though - and you really have to work at it - it's a really amazing place.

  2. i'm in law school and i just read a case where the wife gets pregnant by another man and then the husband gets mad and says "I'm gonna stomp it out of you!" (literally) and then stomps it out of her. so getting "punished in the stomach" is taking on a different meaning for me. you're welcome. (keeler v superior court)

  3. i worked at disneyland for a summer (with insomnia actually lol) as a cashier in the emporium (biggest souvenir shop, right at the entrance). had to deal with all of this same shit, except since it was disneyland, you were required to just take it and act happy all the time. even if you saw someone shoplifting, you were not allowed to do anything yourself about it except call a backroom manager who would never come out in time to do anything about it.

    the only exception to all this was if you worked a grad nite. all the regular rules for how to treat "guests" were gone and you could chase down any little high school fucker who tried anything.

  4. went to a barrel aged flight today at the bruery provisions with dranoelsy.

    from right to left: north coast grand cru, allagash curieux, flying dog wild dog barrel aged gonzo, firestone walker parabola (2012), the bruery black tuesday (2011).


  5. My stepdad is this weird combination of passive aggressiveness/50's wholesome attitude who looks like the love child of Kramer and Daniel Day Lewis -- and he really, really dislikes me. Every time I come home to visit, I get to enjoy a series of awkward sequences.

    Tonight I arrived, and he was making this elaborate dinner for the family, set the table and everything, and then dished everything out on plates and started serving everyone. I walked into the room and saw that he had set a place for everyone but me. When I noticed, he looked up and sort of smiled and said, 'Sorry, guess we ran out of food.' And then sat down, and started to hum this really happy tune and took a big bite of his dinner.

    Last time, my eleven year old brother begged me to help him film a war movie to show his friends, so I agreed and he suited up in army gear and right before we left, my stepdad knelt down and gave him this long speech on how he was going to alienate himself from his friends and ruin his social life if he continued to hang out with me. And I was standing at the door, a few feet away the entire time.

    I have so many uncomfortable stories.


    jesus, he sounds like a borderline sociopath.

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