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Posts posted by Moonshine

  1. Hey Guys,


      I wanted to show-off the new small tote I made for my wife’s “29th†birthday that was on 6/1/14.  She wanted a small bag made from the diamond-patterned leather I used for the pocket but I didn’t have enough left, hence the pocket, so it would at least have some of that leather.  I do have enough left over to make her a checkbook cover, so that will tie-in with the tote for the “themeâ€â€¦  The build is nothing super-crazy (4-5 oz., riveted bottom and a load of hand stitching!) but hopefully this one will become special to her just like the large tote I built for her this past Christmas.  I’ve also included pics of the large tote so you guys can see the natural patina progression that’s taken place on it due to daily use since 12/25/13.  The patina is all natural – no treatment of any kind.  I might treat the smaller bag with some Obenauf’s LP to speed up the darkening process; haven’t decided just yet…  Thanks for looking!



















  2. I'm sorry....how do you charge people for this stuff? there is almost no attention to detail, the craftsmanship is horrid and you don't even take the time to burnish your edges. I'm not even speaking for this specific wallet, but almost everything you have posted in this thread. I may be hated for saying this, but someone has to say it. your skill set has not improved whatsoever in the past year or so.




    Your comment was incorrect, rude and unappreciated.


    Thanks for your chivalric comments! But JSkillZ has a right to his/her opinion just like any other a-hole on the internet! I'm waiting anxiously for all the awesome pieces he/she will likely start posting soon! I'm sure Nick Horween will personally box the shell cordovan himself for all the rad stuff coming our way!

    JSkillZ ,

    If you're ever in western NC be sure to hit me up - I've got many happy customers I'd like for you to meet and share your opinions with...

  3. I've found that while LP darkens leather, it always seemed to lighten up over time. Not sure you'll ever get back to the original, but it's worth a few wears to see how time helps.

    My experience as well. LP is a bit "scary" when 1st applied but it will lighten with wear/use so give the new 875s some time, Mr. Latvia!

  4. Here's a bag I made for my wife's main Christmas present. She asked for it a LONG time ago and it was a total surprise to her. All hand stitched so this one took a good while to complete! She wouldn't have been any more happier with a Hermes Burkin. At least that's what she told me!






  5. Hey Guys,

    I finally took the time to do my 1st hip quiver! Took a bit of thought to lay out the pattern, but after that it went pretty smooth. The only thing I plan on changing for the next one is the pocket on the front – it’s not got a ton of room in it due to the flap and the depth of the pocket. I did welt the pocket trying to get a bit more room, but it’s just not as accessible as I would have preferred. I’m sure it will function fine for storing a release but I’ve got big hands and the next one will accommodate them! I made a pen/pencil pocket (the cut-out section under the belt loop) and it’s got 1 Dee ring with the cull arrow loop is on the other side. I used rivets to hold the looped sections to the body of the quiver and the rest is hand stitched, which should be plenty strong for a long time coming. The last pics are the natural leather with a nice coat of Mink Oil on it. The quiver isn’t as dark as it appears due to the fresh application of the oil, but it is darker than the raw finish and should only get better with use.

    Feel free to offer up suggestions on how I can make future projects better! Thanks for looking and Merry Christmas!







  6. Hey Guys,


      With winter fast approaching I felt the need to have a custom flash at hand filled with some of Wilkes County’s finest…  With that being the case, I simply wrapped this aluminum flash with some 2oz. natural leather and added my stamp and nickname to the bottom so none of my miscreant friends will confuse MY flask for their own!  I need to tweak the length a bit for future flasks, but this should work well work for a long time coming.  Merry Christmas!







  7. Christmas Time's a comin'! Got a few things going out to the PO today and I thought I'd post the cartridge pouch I recently finished that fits five .30/06 snugly and quietly. The cartridge holder is the mate to the lighter natural belt and should patina nicely with use!






  8. Hey Guys,


      I recently made this black notebook cover and a speed strip pocket pouch for a buddy and they’re on the way home to Hawaii now.  I made the pouch so that the speed strip could be stored horizontally or vertically inside the pouch, and the pouch is long enough to also accommodate .357 case lengths.  Hope you like it, Sean!













  9. Hey Guys,

    It’s been a while since I’ve posted so here are a few recent projects…

    The watch straps were made for a fellow “big wrist-er†(8†plus) that needed more length than the standard Panerai deployants offered. These should be plenty long enough – 150 x 90! The brown one is Horween Buccaneer with golden tan stitching and the black one is horse hide with white stitching. They’re obviously a bit rougher looking than a machine made strap, but I think they turned out well! Hopefully Jerry will feel the same way!

    The iPhone case is a blatant rip-off of Richard Epting’s case/knife combo with a poorman’s twist - I’m using a CRKT RSK Mk5 vs. a custom jobbie, but it gets the job done! I was just goofing with my choices of leather/hide and thread for the design, so I’m sure this won’t appeal to most. Thanks for looking!








  10. ^+1000! I think its cool as hell that HV actually gets to use his pro-grade gear and keep us updated on the progress! I'm sure those $400 jeans and $500 boots freak out his coworkers, but on the other hand they also get to see the lifespan of his gear and might come to realize the value in well-made stuff!

    (All of this is pure speculation on my part; I'm sure his coworkers realize the value of quality gear already!)

  11. Hey Guys,

    I’ve been meaning to post pics of my shoe dye experience for a while so here goes. I bought these Allen Edmonds Daltons in gray due to the awesome deal they had on several styles in gray (I guess the gray leather was a bust for AE?) Anyway my plan was to dye them from the start, hopefully being able to go to a rich cordovan color, and a worst case scenario of black. I’m not much of a black shoe guy (I would have much preferred the Dalton boot in Walnut…), but there is absolutely nothing wrong with having a nice pair of black shoes for occasions that call for them! I started out by using deglazer on the shoes to get the shine off and prepare the leather to take the dye. The deglazer did a decent job of removing the polish/top coat and got the color down to a matte gray.




    I suppose the color could have been further removed but I was anxious to get on with the project so they only got 2 applications of deglazer before moving on to the cordovan dye. Yes, the dye used was cordovan, not black, but they pretty much turned out black, with some subtle undertones of a dark brown/reddish color. No need to apply the black dye! The initial color was a grayish brown, but with a bit of polish they settled down into a nice color that I think will look great with some wear. I like the boots, having worn them 2 times now, and I was very surprised by their comfort; they were initially more comfortable than my similarly styled McAllisters were when new. I’ve got some flat waxed laces to install, which won’t make a huge difference but I think I’ll like them better than the current round laces. (We’re a fickle bunch, aren’t we?)








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