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Posts posted by afc345

  1. I can't imagine any of it being enough to keep me comfortable when it drops to -20 C, even if I am just doing "urban" things.

    As a Canadian, that's my main beef with urban techwear in general. I find a lot of it looks REALLY nice, but I don't know how much of it is actually built to stand up to the worst of our winters.

    What I think is most puzzling with my Veilance Field Jacket is that it lacks drawstring adjusters at the hem. All the heat just disappears and it doesn't keep me warm at all.. Good for cycling but not much else.

  2. really? When I handled the jacket it always stroke me as ultra light and not very insulating. But maybe I was wrong?

    Yeah, it surprised me as well.. It's light, but I think the fact that I'm warming up too much is due to the mesh lining or something. The mesh works well when it's colder, and it retains moisture without making me cold, but when it's warmer it doesn't work at all.

    I think your setup could work better for me when the temps is around 5 celsius and up though.. Also one thing that I noticed is that when it actually ventilates well is when I'm running downhill lol

  3. Got an appointment for an interview with a firm that I really want to work in for a summer internship. At the same time I have already paid heaps of cash for a music festival that might be around the same time that work has started there. Damn.

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