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Posts posted by Squirt

  1. Those look much closer to a Jack Purcell than a PF flyer.  Not meant as an insult, look good...i'm always looking for a canvas shoe that holds up to wear.  The cheap stuff always comes unglued at the ball.


    The Jack Purcell sneaker was originally designed for B.F.Goodrich, the first company to use the 'PF' technology, this was in the mid 30's. In '37 the technology proved so popular that it formed it's own brand, PF Flyers. Jack Purcell sneakers were being produced by PF Flyers from here on. 

    It was not until the 70's when Converse bought PF Flyers that they acquired the Jack Purcell production rights. The companies had to demerge due to an unfair market share but with this Converse kept the Purcell licensing, hence why we now see Converse producing sneakers with the signature Purcell smiley and autograph.


    The reason those PF Flyers look like a Jack Purcell is because they're meant to. 

  2. Quick pics of N-1 (wouldn't wear it with what I'm wearing right now, but just wanted to give people an idea of fit). Any idea on the reasoning behind the 'handles' sown below the arm openings?:




    The loops under the arms are a true detail found on original navy coloured N-1 deck jackets. The reason this isn't featured on the khaki version is because they were produced at different times in history, the navy version being produced for just 10 months in 1941.

    Part of the accompanying uniform issued with the deck jacket were overalls, the shoulder straps of which would be fed through the under arm loops of the jacket so that troops could comfortably slip off their jacket and have it sit around their waist with quick access if they needed to put it back on. When the khaki version came in to production later, the arm loops were not considered a necessary enough detail to warrant extra time/money.


    The Real McCoy's, being perfectionists, have replicated this detail correctly.  

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