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Posts posted by hai-san

  1. imag0583w.jpg

    Maybe you guys can give me some insight. I really want a slimmer key carry, since I loop this around my belt loops 75% of the time. I cant really take anything out. I keep 2 flash drives formatted for windows and another for windows/mac. I use them all the time, and my car alarm is pretty bulky. The rest is essential keys for my house and my sisters, so I can't really get rid of those either. Any ideas how to slim this bitch down?

  2. ^ fancy knife.......what is that?

    It's a bayha knife, I got because of a mini review hollows did on his tumblr, but more because of design and aesthetics than actual use though...I've been using a cheap boxcutter i got on sale from lowes instead lately

    hai san,

    The tablet case looks good! Nice design!

    Thanks! The design isn't really original, i'm pretty sure someone in this thread or someone on etsy made one first
  3. I made a case for my tablet and had a slot for a doane paper notebook. Stitching is off because I can't keep my hands straight to save my life but it's the best stitching I've done so far. Bigger whammy is that I seperated the pen and notebook with some stitching but it's too tight so no regular sized pens would fit



  4. tumblr_m3qzrcgpT91qzbqkvo1_500.jpg

    A friend at work let me have his nano charger and two rechargeable AW's for free! Says he doesn't like dealing with charging t hem. He's a regional manager for a vendor that handles arcades and crane machines so he's constantly using his flashlight, bought 40 Tenergy disposables and carrys 4 with him at a time.

    Also got myself a SAK super tinker, fell in love with the thing, definitely carrying in lieu of my spyderco now on as an edc blade.


  5. AW rcr123a nano charger + AW rcr123a do it

    got it, thanks. Is there a reason to get the AW oppose to, say, the charger + 6 x 750mah bundle for 24 bucks on amazon?

    i remember reading around that boker's knives and the more meaty blades are very useful. Why is that?

  6. tumblrm0gjpzer7t1qzbqkv.png

    Here's my current rotation:

    • Hollow’s Leather Snap Billfold w/ Aqua Stitching
    • Rogue Territory Cherry Blossom Handkerchief
    • Notebook with Self-made Leather Cover
    • Pilot Hi Tec C (G Tec C4) Gel Pen
    • Hard Graft iPhone Sleeve and iPhone 4
    • Backup 1400 mah battery
    • Square Reader
    • Blissex Lip Balm
    • Self-made Belt Snap Keyhook, McGizmo clip on car key and remote
    • Corter for Japan Bracelet
    • Nooka Watch
    • Spyderco Sage 2 w/paracord Monkey Fist

    Quark Mini 123 or Preon 2 next. Iffy about using CR123's. I want to swap out the Nooka with a Braun or Seiko watch someday.

  7. I was looking for parking with my cousins and we couldn't tell if the curb was red no parking, so my cousin said he carries a flashlight. I was like damn, this high schooler more prepared than me! (still debating between a quark mini 123, AA, or a preon 2) He whipped out those fucking 9 led rubber flashlights you get from the microcenter checkout lines. smh, couldn't see shit.

  8. Hey guys, I'm new to this. Started last month. I ordered stuff from Corter, Hollows, and Zissou for a while now and was so interested in the craft I made a sufu account and read this entire thread. Lots of creativity and help!

    Here's three journals cover I've made. I really need to learn how to measure/cut better as well as burnish.


    Three tries and I still keep making them too small to fit flushly :sad:


    From newest to oldest.


    My burnishing got a bit better since I've started. Even though I've made new ones, I find myself using my first one more. I think its because it's my first one and it's development character from the dye of my jeans. I used the cheap "manager special" leather from tandy's. Been mainly making keyhooks for friends but I really wanna make a midsize wallet in the future.

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