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Posts posted by tigerpac

  1. I do own a pair (the 4th edition he did since selling through SE) and I also own his first chambray shirt and I'm of a different conclusion.  Having his name stitched on the inside pocket is nice (I know there are tons of little details, just picking a more apparent one) but I end up often reaching for other jeans.  Again its all personal preference so not trying to start a big back and fourth but my Roy's don't even stand on their own out of the 3 'nice' pairs I have! 


    The detail work is great, which is why I do enjoy my Roys but the denim is so pedestrian compared to what some of the Japanese brands are using.  I know its a 'custom' cone mills denim, but it just doesn't have the same character and fading.

  2. His jeans are great but I think people give them extra credit because of the one man construction.  There are some great details, but lots of other brands also have great details that are on par imo.  The denim isn't as interesting as several competitors too.  Overall they're a great jean but a lot of the magic is the one-man construction.   

  3. Those are some nice engineer boots - and not to start a bloody debate, but how do they compare to the Viberg engineers?  They seem comparable in specs (and price).  I'm warming to the idea of getting some engineers down the road.

  4. #84 checking in - after 13+ weeks the red dog oiled bounty hunters are here!  Snapped a quick shot before work --- will try to take better (i.e. less bad) pictures later.  Will also try and get the soles to bend sometime in the next week!  They're a much darker red but crappy lighting is making them seem neon.



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