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Posts posted by Cain

  1. Made a new strap for my watch. Burgundy Chromexel with a Panerai style pre-v matte black buckle.


    How thick is that leather? 1.5mm-ish? I really have problems finding leather that fits just right for watchbandmaking.

  2. i'm thinking about having a regular brown duck fabric. ;) and currently developing a new type of work pants, work pants type II.


    If you make those a light-ish brown and in solid duck with some taper or/and a fit similar to the heavy weight edition, I'm in :) Let me know if you need prototype testers ;)

  3. For those of you that carry blades, what is your primary use/intended function for them?

    ETA: the reason I ask is I took Shivwork ECQC class this weekend and it totally changed my perspective on knives, placement, and the ability for another person to grab your blade. I'll be changing up my EDC because of this.

    I carry a skeletool every day, not in any way, shape or form for self defense, but because I cut stuff, need the pliers, need the screw driver and generally like to have a versatile tool on my body at all times.

    When it comes to disarming someone with a knife, I highly recommend training with a shock knife. Everyone I have invited to practice their "how easy it is to grab/disarm you"-techniques have reconsidered their point of view after testing with a knife that actually hurts when the edge hits.

  4. electrorock put it straight on point. anyway, nothing wrong with pics taken in front of a mirror, some can look pretty good but a flashlight destroys it. and alexx, you sound like a twelve year old ( and lives a life like one, still enjoying the comforts at your dad's home ), about time to grow up and don't waste your time taking utterly stupid pics. i don't mind seeing similar fits in here, thats what this thread is about actually, but the composition of most posts is lacking big style lately. ever wondered why most of the older regulars hardly post anything?

    I have no idea why you feel like you are entiteled to or why you feel like you need to behave like a 17 year old dick. And that is, frankly, beside the point. If people want to post "quality" fits, POST them, don't talk about how the current fits do not fit your narrowly defined norms. Constructive criticism is all good, childis vitriol, not so much.

  5. Have used my Old Blue Heavyweights for a few weeks now, so far they are _perfect_. They fit my body perfectly and feel and look good!

    Good job :)

    Now I'm only waiting for a 10-12oz overdyed denim workshirt from you guys :D

  6. I might be wrong but...

    I think a lot of the rep comes from body envy, a bunch of people who wish they were a little thinner, or that their shoulders were a little more broad or whatever the issue is...

    They see a guy like that and they're like "he's well dressed" when subconsciously it's more like "I wish I looked like that"

    If you consider those "broad shoulders".. I don't even.

  7. I would like to announce that you can now have your jeans hemmed on my Union Special 43200 G at no extra charge when buying a pair of Steel Feather jeans. If you decide you need them hemmed after receiving them, then you only have to cover the return shipping (both ways) and Paypal transfer fee.

    Also, I would like to point out that I accept any jeans for hemming alterations.

    In Oslo? :) drop in services? :P If so: how much?

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