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Posts posted by alzex

  1. this is probably a really dumb question but i just wanted to be 100% sure, but the r423xx and r423xxh have the same measurements, right? 


    also, if i own a size 30 3sixteen+ 30bsp, would i be able to work with a 29 (the 30.5 waist on the 30bsp are a tad loose)? the site i'm ordering from is out of 30.

  2. Thank you!

    and sorry I forgot to mention that. They are nc actually. I needed a fit that was a little slimmer than the ns, but I can't handle the low rise on the ps, so a one-size-down nc turned out to be perfect.

    just wondering, do you put chap stick in that small coin pocket thing (right pocket), lol cause that's what i do

  3. i went to try on apcs today and i found the apc ps in 30 to be the best in every way except the waist is a little loose. i couldn't try out a size 29 cause barney's was out of them and 30 was already tight on the calves so the 28 wouldn't work. anything i can do about the waist being too big? should i kop regardless?

  4. i went to try on apcs today and i found the apc ps in 30 to be the best in every way except the waist is a little loose. i couldn't try out a size 29 cause barney's was out of them and 30 was already tight on the calves so the 28 wouldn't work. anything i can do about the waist being too big? should i kop regardless?

    also anyone know where i can get apc ps cheap?

    anyone know of cuts similar to the ps in other brands (maybe nudies or?)

  5. I went to the store today to try on some nudies.. the grim tims were skin tight around my calves, but quite loose around the thighs :X. so i tried on the other fits (pretty much all: hank reys, sharp bengt, average joes, slim jims) and the average joes and slim jims were i think the best fit for me. what's the main difference between these too? i think the rise was different?

  6. yea i think it'll be safest bet for me will be the ns, but i want more of a skinnier than slim straight but not skinny fit. anyone know if i'll be able to get a 28 in ps and stretch em out well?

  7. I need some help deciding between the NS and PS :X

    First off, I have huge thighs, but my build overall is pretty lean. I measured the 511's i have right now and I like the knee width and leg opening. but the main problem is that the thigh to crotch seam measures (from bottom of the crotch seam to the outside seam) 10-11ish while the knee is 8" and the opening is ~7". My true waist is 30". Not sure what size or cut to even get, but I'm leaning more toward the NS in size 28/29 maybe. I'm 5'6 and 130 lbs. If anyone has the same w/h as me and has bought an APC jean I'd appreciate the help! Thanks

    Can someone confirm that the NS will be the better cut for me?

    Edit: Actually I was browsing this forum and I saw some guy with 23" thighs wearing a 30 PS. Now i'm utterly confused, but I think the PS will be a better cut? What size should I get for ps then :X

    So ultimately: should I get 28 NS or 28 PS?

  8. I need some help deciding between the NS and PS :X

    First off, I have huge thighs, but my build overall is pretty lean. I measured the 511's i have right now and I like the knee width and leg opening. but the main problem is that the thigh to crotch seam measures (from bottom of the crotch seam to the outside seam) 10-11ish while the knee is 8" and the opening is ~7". My true waist is 30". Not sure what size or cut to even get, but I'm leaning more toward the NS in size 28/29 maybe. I'm 5'6 and 130 lbs. If anyone has the same w/h as me and has bought an APC jean I'd appreciate the help! Thanks

    Can someone confirm that the NS will be the better cut for me?

    Edit: Actually I was browsing this forum and I saw some guy with 23" thighs wearing a 30 PS. Now i'm utterly confused, but I think the PS will be a better cut? What size should I get for ps then :X

    So ultimately: should I get 28 NS or 28 PS?

  9. Just got my N&F WEIRDGUY NEP in the mail today, stoked. Even though they're a size 31 the fit isn't too loose, since my ass and thighs are really big. Thinking about hot soaking them to get them to be tighter. If I do, how should I go about it? Do N&F soak much? They're 12oz

  10. Just got my N&F WEIRDGUY NEP in the mail today, stoked. Even though they're a size 31 the fit isn't too loose, since my ass and thighs are really big. Thinking about hot soaking them to get them to be tighter. If I do, how should I go about it? Do N&F soak much? They're 12oz

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