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Posts posted by thedraperyfalls

  1. X-post from the film-thread:

    Here are some images from my recent trip to Hanoi and Sapa, all colour since I knew the place would be vibrant.

    I found the place to be unbelievably hectic, impossibly colourful and completely different from home!

    I shot mostly slides; a mixture of velvia, provia and my perennial favourite, ektachrome.

    Traveled light for Vietnam, so it was small-format, one lens, one camera set-up -

    My trusty Hexar RF with a Voigtlander 35mm f/2.8 Color-Skopa.













    My apologies if I over-posted, the rest of the series can be found here.

  2. Mine's called Document and Decay -

    primarily because it's a repository for my photography where I seek to document the fast eroding vernacular.

    Also, since I shoot mostly using film, and print my images, they eventually yellow and wither, in essence - like my surroundings, they decay.

    The process makes it more real, more tangible, more meaningful and thus more appealing as a past-time.

  3. Hi Protocol, how did you find Hanoi?

    I was there a while back, went to Sapa too.

    For me I found it to be unbelievably hectic, impossibly colourful and completely different from home!

    Here are some images from my trip, all colour since I knew the place would be vibrant

    Mostly slides; a mixture of velvia, provia and my perennial favourite, ektachrome.

    Traveled light for Vietnam, so it was small-format, one lens, one camera set-up -

    My trusty Hexar RF with a Voigtlander 35mm f/2.8 Color-Skopa.













    My apologies if I over-posted, the rest of the series can be found here.

  4. Thanks adh92, I think I have you on tumblr - nice stuff you have there.


    is there anywhere i could read up on getting into film? ie. different types of film and formats/where to get scans done/other noob shit like that

    What would you like to know about getting into film?

    My advise would be to start with a simple, inexpensive 35mm SLR.

    There are plenty to choose from, off the top of my head - Pentax Super-Program, Pentax Spotmatic,Canon AE-1, Nikon FM3A, Olympus OM-1.

    From there you can try out different films, running the gamut from black and whites to print film and slides.

    Get some cheap ones like the kodak ultramax 400, ilford hp5+, etc (it's cheap in my area).

    For starters just get the labs to develop and scan them for you.

    Learn what works, what doesn't, learn what you like to shoot, your habits, your penchants, your niche.

    Observe, learn, research, experiment.

    From there, with a better understanding of your style of photography, you can move on to investing in other system and methods.

    Such as rangefinders, TLRs, medium-format, large format, self-developing your own bnw, c41, e6, etc.

    The key is the immerse yourself and understand yourself, without shelling too much cash at the get-go.

    i hope this helps, please feel free to ask any questions.

    if it's within my limited scope, i'd be happy to help.

  5. He has a Hasselblad 500C sitting in an old camera bag in his closet. Geeze. I want it.


    The Hassy's a very nice camera, the waist-finder is quite magical.

    I'd recommend a 500cm instead, because the C's are much older, thus prone to acting up.

    It's a completely different experience from the rangefinders that I'm used too.

    And it's like the gateway drug to even bigger formats.



    Here's one with the tell-tale, duo notches at the left.

    (Hasselblad 503cw / 80 2.8 Planar / Ektachrome)



    this was taken the nice open space at the landing of the residential area, atop the shops at Rochor Centre, Singapore.

    The lady has been living at Rochor for the past 31 years and granny is residing at the old folk's home just below the flats.

    Now they would both have to find new lodging due to the incumbent demolishing of Rochor Centre, to make way for a new highway.

    Worryingly, Fred Durst comes to mind with his pained proclamation that 'It's my way or the highway!' I guess in this case it is both the government's way, and the highway.

    (Hasselblad 503cw / 80 2.8 Planar / Ektachrome)



    And of course you've to oblige to taking a portrait of your better half.

    (Mamiya 7ii / Portra 400)

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