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Posts posted by sauerkrause

  1. just bought a brand new pair of APC New Standards and took them in to get hemmed a few inches, and I think they may have fucked them up...

    the seamstress pressed them. there are hard creases down the middle of both legs, from the top of the thigh all the way down to the bottom. I don't know if they were dry cleaned or washed, and I really hope that they weren't (they don't look like they were washed and they're still very stiff), but I'm wondering if:

    A) can I use a warm iron to get the creases out without causing the denim to fade or bleed in any way

    B) if they had been dry-cleaned, am I pretty much screwed as far as future fading goes?

    UPDATE: just called them. the jeans weren't washed or dry-cleaned in any way, just steam pressed (they do it with everything). the dude got pretty pissed off when I asked him about it and argued with me that it was OK to wash jeans to get the creases out, and refused to believe that someone would wear a pair for months on end without washing them!

    regardless, would the steam pressing or steam ironing them to get the creases out ruin future fading?

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