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Posts posted by SquidSemenSupreme

  1. I've been living off the grid, learning how to build boats on the ocean. Up here, I have no reservations growing my hair out, and it is currently its longest length ever, down past my nose. I cut the side and back myself, faded from #1 up to #3. Currently I'm pomade'ing it slicked back, and quite liking it. My 80 year old grandma told me I had sexy hair. I must be doing something right.

  2. my dream of a topknot is continually dashed by me cutting the sides like 4 months in... at 6 months I start to look retarded and the sides/back never catch up with the top.

    buzzed my fucking head down to #2 for the second time in 2 years. VOWING TO NEVER CUT IT FOR 365 DAYS!!!! fuuuuuu

    time to invest in a hat

  3. bought a Leica CL and Nokton 40, but I my style just isn't street, no matter how much I post on Rangefinderforum and browse HCSP... thinking about selling for a Yashica Mat124g and a super wide digital... Ricoh, perhaps.





  4. Now onto:


    Great book so far and really making me re-evaluate my earlier impression of Delillo.

    what did you read before WN that tainted your opinion of his work?

    Underworld is awesome, Americana is hilarious, Mao II was meh, Point Omega was meh, Cosmopolis was okay Body Artist sucked, WN was my first, so maybe my favorite...

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