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Posts posted by petit-musee

  1. I'll probably post a pair of "size 32" chinos here soon enough. (I'm 32 in 501s, 31 in APC) An email replying to my order said they shrink when given a hot dry (to set the dye?) but would stretch out quickly enough. I've been giving it a go, but with little luck other than some strained buttons. How far off are Left Field's sizing, by general understanding? Do you typically wear 34 in other trousers and jeans?

  2. American Football: 1 hour clock, 3-4 hour game duration, 11 minutes of activity.

    Football: 90 minute clock, 105-115 minute game duration, 90-100 minutes of activity.

    American football: referee blows the play dead every few seconds, followed by a lot of waiting around and discussing where the running back's knee touched down.

    Football: referee whistles occasionally, fouled team quickly kicks ball into play, game continues quickly.

    American football: 34 headings in nfl.com's "digest" of its rulebook


    Football: 17 laws

    American football: helmet, mouthguard, shoulder pads, hip pads, thigh pads, knee pads, cup, etc.

    Football: shinguards, optional cup.

    Premature American football deaths: brain injuries

    Premature football deaths: booze

    American football: tournament winner calls themselves "World Champions"

    Football: you have to actually play teams from other nations to call yourself that.

    Unless you were arguing in favor of baseball (takes forever, even fussier) or basketball (shooters always look for a foul, constant whining, team given most fouls typically wins.)

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