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Posts posted by togglebutton

  1. If anyone has 28 MIJ indigo raws in good condition and is looking to size up to 29 PM me.

    EDIT: Eh, I might just keep them. Seems like they won't stretch anymore. The fit looks fine from the side and back but the thighs are slightly baggy from the front - everything besides the thighs fit fine. Maybe a hot soak to try and tighten them up a bit?


    i suggest sizing down, seems like its awfully baggy.

  2. I also have a pair of imperials dukes size 30 for sale. Lightly worn and has had two soaks. Still has tons of life in them. Only flaw is a hole on the hem of the right leg from walking (barely noticeable). Flash makes it look lighter than it actually is. $100----->$65 (price drop) paypal.

    Wasit: 15 1/4"

    thighs: 10 1/2"

    Knee: 8"

    Hem (Leg openning): 8"




    Saddleback thin leather bag -------> SOLD

  3. excuse me for my dumb question but since i've recently gotten into watches, what are some things to know about watches in general and about quality. you guys seem to admire and respect certain watches, is it based on personal preference or is it something special that you guys see in watches?

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