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Posts posted by joeydonuts

  1. holy shit hailxenu...

    saw those on tumblr and really dug the concept on their design, and the execution is beautiful as well.

    I've always wondered how comfortable they are though. Seems like blister city tbh...

    They have some pairs at Maas and Stacks. I checked them out the other day.

    Look incredible IRL

  2. Asian guy near Barneys SF in Givenchy Rot shirt and Off-white Rick Dunks.

    Guy in line at Uniqlo NorthFace x Supreme parka and black and white flyknits.

    Guy wearing Junya patchwork and common project postman shoes in front of westfield

    All of these yesterday in SF

  3. Whats everyone's favorite explanation of the obesity epidemic in america?

    I'm a big fan of the lowered cost of food due to industrialized production, ie GMO/Monsanto style large scale, high yield production of a few staple crops (corn, soy, proteins). I'm a time scale of 100 years, not the last decade. Source: http://mjperry.blogs...ave-fallen.html

    There may have been a time where mass produced food as we see it today was economically nonviable. The cost of labor and food prices made it so. Raising chickens and a vegetable garden may have historically been the cheapest options, in addition to the healthiest (if 'healthiest' even has meaning in the 1800's). Today, running a garden or chicken coop is a sign that you have the leisure time and space (ie wealth) to do so.

    Ok, so now that people can afford to eat themselves into the grave, why do they? I believe the answer to why lies in an emergent property of cheap food combined with capitalism. My favorite explanation is by David Kessler - so called hyperpalatable foods. it has been shown that there is a optimum combination of sugar, fat and salt which creates the most pleasure. This is why foods at large successful chains are distinctly "restaurant-y". All dishes undergo a development cycle where they are tweaked to pack the most palatable punch - every facet of a snickers bar (peanut size, moisture content, salt level, viscosity of caramel, etc) is tightly controlled, tested and optimized to the most delicious point possible. HFCS is not the culprit, only the cheapest means to the optimum sugar/fat/salt ratio.


    There you have it. cheap, hyperpalatable food.

    HBO has been showing a new documentary called "The Weight of the Nation" which discusses some of the stuff above.

    Def worth checking out.


  4. people say age doesn't matter, but that is total bs in alot of situations (inc this one) i'd say. ten years is a huge fucking difference, especially between you two. you're 31 and she's 21 - chances are she is still immature in most ways and has no idea what she really wants in a du/life in general despite what she might say to the contrary. the age diff would be fine if it was just some casual thing, but you say you're in love with her and are moving in together already (plus this is the first time she has ever lived away from her parents). i dunno, to me, it sounds like trainwreck waiting to happen. saying that, you have always seemed like a real nice du though so regardless of what happens i hope it works out for you best in the end.

    Absolutely this.

    I'm the same age as you and have been in what you have described above 2x. Both times ended in disaster.

    Women/girls that age are impossible. They want to be with older, more mature, and established guys like yourself, but in the end, they are young and still need to be free and live, at least in my experience.

  5. I tried on a Giorigo Brato jacket about 5 or 6 months ago at TheArchive and I'm still pissed at myself for not buying it.

    I tired on some Julius, RO, Attachment jacket as well and while the GB wasn't quite as nice, I liked it more than the others. The dying and leather on the one I tried on seemed pretty solid.

  6. Dude, living on the penninsula is boring as fuck.

    If you like going out and stuff, go with San Bruno as its on the bart line like Kiya said its easy to get to your work in San Mateo and its close to SF. That said, Bruno is a shithole city but you'll be able to get a decent place for 1k vs the other places listed.

    I grew up and once again live in Burlingame, but would not reccomend it unless you want to spend a ton to live here or have a family.

    belmont is decent price wise and the downtown area is getting better so that would be my other choice.

  7. I like your girl's outfit.

    How was that party? My girl and I were thinking of going but $40 seemed kinda steep and lots of time stuff at TI will be kinda weak since people don't seem to like going there other than for the big music fest.

  8. Finding a chick that you think isn't crazy or dramatic, investing yourself into a relationship, then getting blindsided when you find out she really is crazy and dramatic.

    Wasn't even that hot either Just had the 'not dramatic/down to earth' thing going for her. Bummer. what a waste of time.

    Man, ain't that the truth.

    Try finding out she is crazy and dramatic only after she has moved in with you and her not having a job....


  9. I pretty much never want to do anything anymore and I'm bored of most things around me.

    Damn. That's some PostSecret sounding ass shit right there.

    I've been stuck in that frame of mind lately myself and it fuckin SUCKS!

    Boredom is the devil

  10. Can someone explain to me how to neg rep so I can make sure to 'reward' frownz?

    Not a single one of those even made me smile, let alone chuckle like most of them usually do. Just brutal.

    Let me know if you need me to find a fit pic I posted, frownz, so you can put a retardedly unfunny caption on it.

  11. Need to replace my busted eras. Would like one in blue.





    Leaning towards the alohas b/c they would look better trashed and they cost less besides.

    I have the alohas and they are awesome. So a vote for #1 from me.

    Where did you find them? My little brother wants a pair and hasn't been able to find them.

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