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Posts posted by jacoobob

  1. The tripe works thing is too slow for me. And okay, I guess i was exaggerated to about the fading. Especially how my fit is more slimish straight. Nevermind then, THANKS guys, going to stick with buying a pair of flatheads.

  2. Hey guys sorry for this new question but I'm new to denim with a somewhat medium knowledge of raw denim, but I've finally made my choice down to Flat Head, Imperial, and Iron Heart.

    I'm going to get Flat Heads at the SE store in SF, but the thing is I know these flatheads fade fast. I'm planning to wear it everyday except when I'm home, so probably one-third to half of the day they will be on, and even more on weekends. The question is, when do you guys think my Flat Head Straight Frontiers will fade by? I've heard it's indigo holds in well, but I'm not a rich guy and if these denim are faded and getting too light blue/looking done with fading before a year, I don't think it is for me because I'll have to be raising more money for another pair. I've surfed through pages, but I get diff results for diff amount of time, so yeah I'm going to wear it pretty hard I guess.

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