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Posts posted by imafloormatt

  1. My bad. I posted the wrong picture... Yeah, only 2 posts (3 now...) but I only just found this place and this is my first pair of raw denim. Here is what I meant to post:


    Random T-shirt

    Dry Bones

    Heyday Shift

    And I know this picture is very similar to my last one but I finally got my hands on a copy of Photoshop and I have way too much fun cloning myself.

  2. Cuddles- I am currently wearing Dry Bones Red-D Slims and fit your description pretty good. They fit relatively snug although not skin tight or anything, the legs are tapered and they are pretty dang dark. They are 14oz. denim so they are not exactly heavy weight but the feel pretty thick to me. There is a picture of them on the SF website but they fit me a little tighter than the guy in that picture.

    I also have a question to post:

    I bought a pair of Dry Bones Red-D Slims this December. When I tried them on in the Self Edge SF they fit almost perfect with the assumption that they would shrink a bit after a soak. Now however, they fit perfectly everywhere except right at the top of the waist. They stretched pretty far out there but no where else for some reason. I tried wearing a belt but it makes the jeans bunch up in the back and for some reason, my belt would always put pressure on the top of my back belt loop and looks like it will tear off if I continue to wear a belt. My question is: could I get another hole cut for the top button on m jeans? Has anyone here done this before? Or is there something else I could do?

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