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Posts posted by Awe

  1. Hi all SuFu's,

    This is my first post in this thread and i would like to share something here.Recently i managed to obtain a used pair of SD jeans which i believe is special and very hard to get.It is said that in my possession here now is one of the more than 10years limited 300 pair worldwide Studio d'artisan special fifty times hand-dyed natural indigo jeans,the SD 001XX ( refer here http://supertalk.sup...limited-edtion/).as you can see from the pictures here,the jeans show no fading at all eventhough after some wear.hope everybody enjoy with the pictures.thanks






  2. My cousin is in Tokyo for the next four years. I just got a hold of him today to see what can be done about ordering double volante!

    wow your cousin is going to set up ordering for all of us here at sufu??? :-)

    if that happen,then it'll be damn good for us here!!

  3. nope,i pay none for this denime..it's a property of my buddy..the thing is..would i hv the gut to tell him this denime is fake?damn..beside, i still enjoy my old-semi-busted-paper-patch-1930's-repro-denime right now..




  4. yeah,i agree with you spidereye,if this is true than it is the first time i've ever heard of the fake denime.that's why i'm asking opinions from you guys..and mich,i've used to have this evisu of 2 colour selvage and i believe it's not fake..


    sorry if you think this as ignorant pic.it's the only memories i'd on the evisu's

  5. let me say how i feel about this denime.the patch(Lot 055 F1) feels like rubber but looking at other side it's truly a leather,although i can't describe the type of the leather,my bad :blush: .the fabric is so soft but show no fading sign from wash or soak.and the pocket bag(last pic) also feel and look difference.Sorry mate,that's all the pics i've with me now.I'll try to take and upload more later.

  6. i don't know if you guys had ever see and meet this..i just ran into denime leather patch shins era with blue and yellow selvage..will upload the picture later if i get the chance..can someone please enlighten me on this?as far as i know,denime = yellow selvage..

  7. ranon,actually i think the first Ooe's should be ultimate for me..plus i ask the pics of Ooe's couple with the jeans....they're really2 nice couple..http://rhr.blog105.fc2.com/blog-date-20120315.html..i tend to keep it as sentimental value..ranon,can i mention the price here?he3..anyway pm you already

  8. Just received the parcel yesterday and busy taking the pics details.the fit pics come later ^_^

    Flash : Thanks mate..really hope to see your's soon

    Ranon : i'm just inspired by the fade of the back pocket my previous evisu n0.2 lot 2001.

  9. here's a pic of the 43 and 92 samples laid beside each other - they're quite similar in appearance, 43 on the left. the 92 is perhaps slightly darker.

    although they're listed as the same weight, 14oz, the 43 feels heavier.


    meanwhile, i'm deciding between the 84 and 91...

    thanks for the comparison mate..really appreciate it..
  10. yup,i know the #43 one is kind interesting but i'm into more dark colour to start with..plus i didnt have #43 sample..i think i'll go with wash and wear ala that mr S though..

    can someone compare #92 vs #43 ?

  11. mine also #92 fabric..but come with coin pocket rivet..doesn't know if mine have 's' on the patch later..n ooe's said mine will be ready early march..so, later will be same fabric league with slab,milosz and and flash..although mine come with s03xx details hmm..

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