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Posts posted by Jayvee

  1. The regular line STFs are tagged true. 30x34 tagged is 30x34 actual(give/take an inch on floor pairs), they only get smaller from there.

    Probably come up too short then if they lose 2 inches during shrinkage. Though saying that I had to get my 32x34 514s taken up an inch and a bit because they were so long, if these are similar length they might come out ok.

  2. Anyone know exactly how long a 34 leg in these is? I'm 6'4 and the only wash that have a 36 leg seems to be the regular indigo ones, and I'd really like a pair in black and a pair of knights, will a 34 come up too short after shrinking? If that's the case really seems like Levis are making a mistake, all the new washes only go up to 34 leg which won't be much use to anyone over about 6 foot tall.

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