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Posts posted by darrenjc

  1. It's all part of the process.. there are pairs of PBJ that are dyed fade minimally, but at the end of the day raw denim will fade and you can't hide it once its there. Not sure why you would want to anyway - many people are trying to get those types of fades that you are trying to hide..

    The only thing you can really do is to give your jeans a machine wash before you wear it to get rid of all the excess indigo, but that still wont stop it fading, it will just lessen the contrast.

    I would just continue wearing them, I'm sure that the fade will start to look better as it evolves anyway

  2. 31 in 634s = 32" after a couple of days (assuming you sized down)... Going down 2 sizes on a slim fitting jeans doesn't seem like a good plan... And why would you?.. I'd say go TTS...


    Even 1 down will be a squeeze

  3. Most of the pricing you will find is pretty much standard RRP worldwide - you will probably be able to shave a couple of dollars off through exchange rates but not much.

    Regarding the pricing - you will find that the margins are pretty small and in order to stay competitive most places offer free worldwide shipping and match their competitors' prices. Some suppliers also have rules regarding pricing which may be the reason why you dont see many sales in the online stores.

    Not sure about the Take 5 discount though - maybe someone else can answer that for you.

  4. i'd sell them now if I were you. We must burn our bridges and not look back!

    I don't think I can bring myself to sell them though - it is more so the sentimental value :(

    I guess I'll just wear them for as long as I can before having to swap to the 666... It really is too bad - I didn't really think that I'd gain weight in such a short period

  5. I know it will shrink - just saying I'll wear them till they stretch out again before doing a wash. I don't plan to sell it, if it ends up not fitting I'd like to keep it anyway.

    Haha I won't have this problem with the 666od - if anything I might even size up 1 as I am trying to gain a bit of weight :o

  6. Yep, I plan to do another soak before washing just to get as much of the shrinkage out before I wash it. Worst case scenario I'll be able to get a pair of IH-666od around June/July anyway so if it shrinks too much I'll just have to stop wearing them I guess..

  7. ^They are definitely softening up. They are still abrasive on the outside but the inside is much softer than when I first got them. I don't get to wear them all that much though - probably only 20 hours a week on average so they are slowly getting there.

  8. Since there hasn't been much happening in this thread here are some evo pics:

    Taken at 3 months - 1 initial soak, no washes







    MIght be time for me to get a new pair of jeans - I had sized down originally but have since put on some meat from doing squats at the gym..

  9. Yep, deadendpro pretty much summed it up exactly. If you want to get all the shrinkage out first go, give it a hot soak and let it air dry completely 2 times. The shrinkage on the 2nd and 3rd soaks shouldn't be too much of a problem though because if you wear them enough they will just stretch back out before shrinking again - but you will have to keep that in mind when hemming your jeans.

  10. ^ I guess you could try soak them in cold water first then soak only the waist in hot water.

    I actually sized down on mine but there isn't as much stretching around the top block as deadendpro's pair. But that is probably because I don't wear mine too low. But the thighs were extremely tight - they've loosened up now but pulling stuff out of the front pockets still require some effort

  11. Yeah, the idea of Shearers as mentioned earlier is the relaxed fit for comfortable movement for the shearers (lol). I was not a great fan of the very obvious carrot shaped cut when looking at them in person. You could try exchanging them for a pair of Dukes if they're too baggy for you.

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